Information and Infiltration

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and please enjoy.

Zac paced in the living room as the gathered group minus the humans, who were all out of the house at the time, waited for someone, anyone to suggest a plan to rescue Jin and Katana. Silas was muttering about how they had better have a good excuse for getting captured so easily and Trad and Kris were trying to keep everyone calm and patient enough to think clearly. Kris was really starting to worry though. Zac had said Katana was a capable vampire but he wasn't one of the strongest of the coven. It also wasn't like Jin to allow himself to get caught so easily. He'd definitely put up a fight.

"So what are we going to do," Freddy voiced out. "Katana and Jin could be in danger. I know Phi gave us four days to concede his proposal but he's not a patient person and for some reason I can't really see him keeping his word that they won't be harmed while we're considering it. If he has any of our weaknesses he could decide to kill Katana anyway and Jin's human. He has a supernatural ability but he's still human and can be killed way easier then Katana."

"He won't do that," Zac told him calmly. "Not yet. He needs the hostages right now. If he kills them now there will be no reason for us to surrender. He knows that."

"Jin didn't mention any sort of plan to us about getting caught for any reason so we have nothing to go on as to why he was captured. Perfect time for this. Just as I call everyone up for an important meeting."

"You called everyone up? So then the High Council doesn't live at the Commons as a group?" Mick asked genuinely curious.

"No Mick we don't," Arthur said softly with a chuckle.

"Maybe you should call Clio in to help us figure out what we're going to do to get Jin and Katana back," Zac suggested. "Maybe he figured out something we could use."

"That's just it Zac. The meeting I called was concerning Clio," Kris admitted.

"Did something happen?" Zac asked now really worried.

"Let's figure out the situation with Jin and Katana first then we'll talk about Clio," Kris responded.

A knock at the door caught everyone's attention. Zac sighed in frustration. They didn't need anyone showing up here right now. They needed to formulate a plan to help Jin and Katana. Zac reluctantly answered the door.

It was a surprise to see the person on the other side. Zac figured he'd stay away from what was going on with Phi since he didn't really care for fighting and he had a little brother who had a pension for being sick. Why was he here? Still Zac let him in and led him to the living room silently.

"First we need to figure out where they are. We know Phi has them but where is he keeping them?" Silas grumbled as Zac returned to the living room with their visitor Daigo.

"Daigo," Kris greeted with a smile. "What brings you here?"

"I have Jin's spirit Kimiko with me. He sent her to me with a message for the Super Stars. I figured I'd simply tell Zac and head home but after some thought I think I should tell everyone."

"Continue," Kris urged giving the young shaman her undivided attention.

"Jin and Katana are being held in a cell in a big dark tower like building on the other side of the ravine on the outskirts of the city," Daigo relayed.

"That's what we needed to find out," Kris exclaimed. "Jin sent Kimiko because she can't be seen by anyone but shamans so she could get out safely and undetected. But she'd have to find a shaman to relay Jin's message to so he sent her directly to Daigo."

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