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Another chapter in. Anyway as usual comment and or vote and let me knoe what you think. Now please enjoy.

Mick returned to the Super Stars in a really good mood. He went down to tell his best friends and brothers all about his and Kris's meeting with Bowie's human family and Freddy's sister. When he entered the room he discovered Amaya and the kids had come for a visit since Reiko wanted to see Freddy due to her fears of him being hurt. Kris was gathering the rest of the council to inform them of what happened with the meeting.

"Mick how'd it go?" Freddy asked.

"Great. Hi Amaya you chanced coming out of hiding?"

"Reiko had a nightmare about Freddy being hurt and insisted we come and make sure he was okay,"

"Okay so Kris and I went to the hospital to meet with Isao and Hana. Everything went well. Hana took to learning about us pretty well she's for sure hoping for a co-existence."

"Hana's always been a pacifist. She'd rather talk and work things out then fight," Freddy told the group.

"Who's Hana?" Kit asked.

"My older sister," Freddy told him. "My human sister."

"She misses you a lot," Mick told Freddy. "I really want to reunite you two. She seems like a caring sister. I like her more than my own sister."

"She likes everyone until you prove you're undeserving," Freddy said.

"Isao had a bit more difficulty learning something he thought didn't exist actually did. I had to show him proof."

"Mick what did you do?" Zac asked.

"I showed him and Hana my vampire ability then fed from a bird I'd located so they could see I was telling the truth," Mick admitted before Zac groaned and shook his head. "Hey Kris was right there and made no move to stop me and as soon as he saw I was being truthful he was okay with it. Even let the boys see. They thought it was cool."

"We should still be careful," Freddy told him.

"I know," Mick replied. "Anyway we still don't know how much time Kaiya has."

"Who's that?" Amaya asked.

"Bowie's human mother," Zac told her.

"She's in the hospital sick. I've been meaning to find out what she has. Anyway if things continue to work out Freddy can see his family soon hopefully. At least his sister. We still need to know how your parents would handle knowing about you. Bowie needs to recover and get better before he can see his family."

"Well it's a start. We need to take things slowly now from here on out. We still don't know how this will go or if we'll be excepted or not. We don't know how the humans will react as a whole. Be on your guard for the time being," Zac advised.

"Since I was now being truthful about everything I had to tell Isao the truth about Bowie," Mick confided.

"So not only is his wife dying but his oldest son is too," Freddy mused.

"Not if we can save him," Zac pointed out.

"Isao wasn't too happy about learning Bowie was unwell with something that could kill him but I told him he was receiving the best care he could. Hana wanted us to bring him to the hospital for treatment but was told she couldn't help Bowie as she knew nothing about bloodlust or vampires."

"What about the two young boys Mick?" Zac asked.

"Raiden and Daichi were not happy about Bowie's condition and really want to see him. Isao does too. I want to see what I can do about that. I was also thinking if they met with Clio maybe they wouldn't be so worried about Bowie. Your family wants you to get better," Mick told Bowie.

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