An Escape

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Hyde sat on his bed in his room silently as Evel checked him over. Phi leaned on the door preventing anyone from coming in and Theodore was hopefully gathering everyone up to launch an attack on the enemy to get Norman back. Evel addressed Phi once he was finished looking Hyde over.

"He isn't injured. There's no sign of any head injury or trauma. It takes a considerable amount of power and damage to cause a bad enough injury to make a vampire forget anything. There's no sign he was really being fed but there's no sign of him starving either."

"They might have been giving him enough to prevent suffering and death but not enough for him to be able to escape," Phi muttered as Evel nodded.

"The only thing Icould think of is Norman's ability," Evel continued. "The enemy must haveforced him to use it somehow."

"But how?" Phi mused out loud.

"Maybe someone there has some sort of ability to take control of another person?" Evel voiced out before going silent in thought. "I do believe they do to. The one called Gabe Bruni. If he makes eye contact with someone he can make them do what he wants."

"I've seen it," Phi mused.

"Is there a way to break that control?" Hyde asked.

"Do you remember if this Gabe had to keep direct eye contact at all? Did he walk backwards at all to keep eye contact with Norman? Did he look away at all?"

"I don't Know," Hyde admitted sounding a little frustrated.

"He did," Phireported at the same time Hyde spoke.

"So they made him forget everything of importance," Phi growled.

"We'll have to reintroduce him to the coven," Evel insisted calmly.

"What about his ability?" Phi inquired starting to become annoyed.

"Hyde," Evel addressed the vampire who'd turned him. "You have the ability to raise the dead. Necromancy."

"I do? Is that possible?"

"Yes but only you can do it. Here."

Evel left the roombriefly and returned with a small cat that looked to be only a year old or so.It looked dead though. Evel put the kitten on the floor it didn't move.

"This cat was hit by a car and killed recently. It'll be the perfect subject to help Hyde relearn his ability. We'll start out with something like this. Something small. Then we'll graduate to you reviving larger things until you've remastered your ability."

"How long will it take?" Phi asked.

"I don't know. It depends on Hyde's ability to learn," Evel stated. "It's the only way Phi. Even if we manage to get Norman back he can't restore the memories that he was forced to erase. At least I don't think he can. If he can he doesn't know it."

"We'll get him back bring him to Hyde and see if he can or not. Just in case though proceed with your idea," Phi decided leaving the room quickly afterward.

"Hyde I want you toconcentrate and find the cat's spirit and push it back into it's body.Afterwards you are going to kill it again and revive it again. You'll continuethe process until you are no longer feeling any form of exhaustion then we'lltry something larger."


Norman pulled at the chains binding him to the wall under the stairs in the Super Stars basement. He shook with anger at being captured and restrained. He'd been trying for the last several days now to get loose and return to his coven but so far the chains held firmly.

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