Plans in Motion

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and tell me our thoughts. Please enjoy.

Phi sat in the little room with the computer monitors watching his coven once again train hard. Hyde was with him today and they were waiting for Evel to join them. It didn't take long before the coven's third leader entered the room and quietly closed the door behind him.

"Have you given more thought to what I suggested last week?" Evel questioned bringing up a conversation he and Phi had previously had.

"I have and I agree with it," Phi answered.

"What was thissuggestion?" Hyde asked with curiousness not yet sure what they were planning.

"As you already know brother I like to mentally break my enemies in case they somehow managed to escape me during a confrontation. That way when and if they're re-encountered they will hopefully be much easier to take care of," Phi stated in a bored tone as his brother nodded. "Evel suggested bringing some former acquaintances and enemies of our current enemies back from the dead using your ability."

"Sounds cool. Let'sdo it," Hyde said as he laughed darkly.

"Yes," Phi echoed. "Let's."

"Hyde you've been doing some practicing of your own with your ability. What are you capable of now?" Evel asked.

"I'm able to bring back anyone who's died in the last ten years but no one after ten years."

"I think we shouldbring back the following. Ren Wu Sun, a Shaman and former high council member.Kurt Baratier a shifter and another former council member. Quon Limon a wolfwho died battling Lui Shirosagi and Kyo Sandai, a close friend of at least someof the Super Stars vampires," Evel listed off.

"You mentioned bringing back a wolf," Phi growled at Evel, "Why?"

"Simple you want to wipe the wolves out of existence make them feel threatened and confused to the point they can't think straight then defeat and destroy them before they recover. The wolf I suggested was a member of the beasts, a pack associated with the High council, A pack associated with the Super Stars, A pack that is a threat to us and needs to be brought down. What better way to do it than with a wolf of their pack under our control. We could easily kill the wolf later once he's of no more use to us," Evel stated in his usual monotone way.

Phi thought about theplan and decided it was definitely a good way of dealing with the wolf pack. Henodded his approval. Evel continued speaking his thoughts and plans to his twocomrades.

"Ren, Kurt and Quon all died in the final battle to bring down Lui and Theodore when they were threats. That was about three years ago. The first two were members of the High Council and could be quite useful to us and as stated before Quon was a member of the beasts and an SNP member."

"SNP," Hyde echoed.

"It stands for theSupernatural Protection group. They serve directly under the High Council andreport only to them as well," Phi told him sharply. "Evel you've done yourresearch and well to I must say."

"I always do. Now the boy Kyo Sandai. He was attacked by Lui. His friends who were also vampires, except one, tried to save him. The other friend who was also human at the time was turned at the same time as him. This friend survived despite the injuries he had which caused him to have to turn the younger boy's body rejected the change and he died."

"How is some kid going to be of any use to us?" Hyde asked.

"Normally he wouldn't but when the friends who greatly cared about him join the Super Stars, who we are warring with, who better to use to get to them emotionally then the friend they loved and lost only a short three years ago," Evel told him clearly losing patience with him by the tone he used

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