Tragedy and A Truth Revealed

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Here's the next chapter. Sorry it's a bit late. I wanted to post it yesterday but work got in the way then I almost forgot it out of tiredness. Anyway comment and or vote and let me know what you think.

It had been three weeks since Zac, Freddy and Bowie had been rescued from Phi's tower. Bowie's injuries had only now fully healed not even a day ago and he was getting stronger again. His bloodlust had been made worse because of Phi and Evel but Mick was sure he could help Bowie overcome it and get him back to where he had been before Evel had taken him.

Things had been quiet with Phi for pretty much the whole three weeks but not everything was well. Bowie's mother, Kaiya, was back in the hospital again. Bowie's bloodlust was a pain. Many of the humans were still not playing very nice with the supernaturals despite them trying to coexist peacefully and Mick's parents continued to harass Mick and everyone else around him. On top of all that the Beasts had lost a member of their pack. Hoji had been killed at Phi's tower when he'd tried to stop Evel from escaping. Evel had stabbed him in the chest with a silver dagger then fled.

There were some good things though too. Ali and Freddy were reunited and getting along well. Bowie was really fighting his condition, with Mick's help and their bond, and had even gotten to see his brothers shortly after their mother was hospitalized. Bowie and Mick's bond was also getting stronger and stronger. Then there was Boa.

Clio had gone down one day to give Boa blood and see if he could wake him. He noticed Boa wasn't as cold or pale has he had been previously. He was still in a deep sleep but there were good signs he was recovering and could soon wake up. Clio also felt a tiny bit of power coming from Boa. Power that he hadn't felt from him before. He told the others that Boa should wake up either by the end of the year or possibly sooner. That was great news to everyone.

Another week came and went. Phi hadn't been heard from but his coven continued being active. Aiger and the others continued to cause trouble for Zac and his group and some of them had even been injured. But the worst of the trouble had been Evel.

Evel harassed them constantly and had even tried to abduct some of them again. His main focus was Reiko and Kit, Bowie's younger brothers and Bowie. The kids were constantly watched by the group and Evel found it almost impossible to get to them so he started focusing more on Clio to kill him so he couldn't stop him from getting his hands on Bowie again.

Clio was younger then him and smaller but he was just as powerful. He had a strong aura, lots of energy, his ability was mastered and he was quite knowledgeable too. Clio was a very serious threat to Evel. One he really needed to deal with. Sooner rather then later.

A month and one day after losing the hostages Evel once again stood outside the Super Stars house. He looked to be alone and his target was Clio. There was a problem however. Clio wasn't at the Super Stars house today. Evel had gone to the Commons first in search of him but the place had been empty which was what brought him to the Super Stars house.

The rest of the council was here but not Clio. Where had he gone? Was he afraid to fight Evel? Had he ditched the group to save himself?

"Where is Clio?" Evel demanded as Zac, Trad and Kris came outside to make him leave once they noticed his presence.

"Clio is busy at the moment. He is out of the country looking into a comrade's condition," Kris informed. "I will not tell you when he's expected to return."

"Well then I shall deal with you first," Evel stated in his usual calm tone. "There will be nothing for Clio to return to."

"We'll see," Zac countered before suddenly firing a stream of electric energy at Evel.

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