Ambush & Confrontation

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Here's another chapter. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

The four days finally came. Zac and Freddy were currently on their way to the ravine with a restrained Lui for their trade with Phi. Lui had allowed them to restrain him to make their ruse more believable to Phi. He was even allowing for a gag to be used once they were closer to their destination. Mick had once again taken Bowie's brothers to the park while Isao went to see his wife in the hospital.

"Bowie should be home again when you guys get back then you can take the boys down to see him," Zac had told Mick before everyone left. He hoped he could keep that promise.

"Do you think this will work?" Freddy asked as they got closer to the trade spot and Lui allowed the gag to be placed in his mouth.

"I hope so. Bowiedoesn't need to suffer any more and Mick can't stand to see him suffer anymorelet alone be away from him," Zac said quietly.

They arrived at the designated trade spot after a few minutes of walking in silence. They were the first to arrive. After waiting for several minutes in the bright and warm morning sun Phi finally arrived. He approached Freddy and Zac alone. No one in his coven was in sight but Bowie wasn't with him either. This sent alarm bells off. Zac handed Freddy the rope restraining Lui and stepped forward so he was between them and Phi. Lui frowned.

"Where is Bowie?" Zac demanded.

"Bowie is back at the tower. I wasn't completely sure if you were telling the truth about still having Lui or if you'd killed him like you had Free. We wanted to make sure you really had him and weren't just saying you were to get me or any of my coven into a trap or get your comrade back. You seem pretty desperate to defeat me you could do or say anything and I wouldn't put it past even you to pull something like that off to claim victory," Phi said in a calm tone.

Lui narrowed his eyesand subtly glanced around. Phi was playing nice and he wasn't trying to takeLui back by force. He could have just done that. He was strong enough to. Yethe was playing nice. On top of that he was alone and he didn't have Bowie withhim. Something felt off. What was Phi up to?

"Well as you can see we do have Lui. He's alive and we will trade him for Bowie. No traps. We're not cruel like you. We care for our coven like a family. We'd like our brother back and are willing to trade Lui for his safe return," Zac said confidently also picking up on something not being right with the situation.

Phi looked around making sure to make it look like he was checking if the trade was a trap or not. But only saw two of the enemy with their hostage. He glanced at Lui and noticed very quickly he had a gag in his mouth. If he was a hostage he would be gaged wouldn't he. He was also restrained which is what you're typically see if he really was a hostage.

Lui looked a littlenervous however. Why? Shouldn't he be glad to be returning to Phi's coven? Washe nervous Phi wouldn't trade Bowie for him? He might not have if it wasn't forLui's thirst control and fighting skills but what had he told the other team? Andwhere was Free? Was he really dead? Despite the enemy doing everything right ontheir end they wouldn't be getting their brother back. Phi would see to that.

"What of Free?" He asked casually. Too casually. "I was told by Evel he was dead. Is he really?"

"Yes. Mick killed Free. He was taunting us and Bowie and Mick got angry. At least you're getting Lui back alive and well," Freddy told him.

"And it's not like you can't revive him anyway," Zac muttered.

"Why was Lui not killed?"

"Because we neededinformation from one of them and since Mick had already killed Free so it wasLui we turned to for the answers."

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