A Meeting Plan

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Chapter 27. Comment and or vote and please enjoy.

"Okay so where to next?" Zac asked.

"Isao lives a few blocks from Harmony Park," Mick informed him. "I don't know if he's home though."

"Let's hope he is," Zac mused.

Zac and Mick walked towards Harmony Park. Once there they noticed a lot of people there. Mick looked through the fence at the many people. Zac realized he was scanning the park in case Isao brought his younger sons there.

"Is there a small chance they might be here?" Zac asked him.

"Yeah. Like I saidthey live a few blocks away and sometimes they come here just to forget whattheir going through and to live a little. It's a nice day so they might be here."

"Let's go through and see if we can spot them."

Mick nodded and followed Zac into the park. Mick described Isao and the young boys to him. As they walked through the park they subtly looked around and talked quietly to each other so as to not draw suspicion to them. Finally Mick spotted who they were looking for. They were hanging out a few feet from the pond he and Zac were headed towards.

"Zac," Mick whispered before pointing them out. "Bowie's human family."

As if on cue Daichi noticed him and come running up to him and Zac. Mick gave the boy a hug. Daichi looked at Zac then at Mick then back to Zac.

"Is he a friend ofyours?" the boy asked Mick.

"Yes and Bowie's too. This is Zac. Zac, Daichi Bowie's youngest brother."

"Hi. Do you mind if we borrow your dad for a little while?"

"I guess," Daichi said as he led Zac and Mick over to his dad and brother. "Did Mick tell you he saved me when we met?"

"No. Tell me about it," Zac inquired.

"We met at the pond. Mick was looking sad so I went to talk to him He said his friend was sick and I said my mom was too. I wanted to give him a hug to make him feel better and I tripped. I almost fell in the cold deep water but Mick grabbed me and pulled me away in time."

"It's a good thing Mick was there that day but can't you swim?" Zac asked.

"No," Daichi admittedlooking down.

"Well I think it's a good time to learn so you won't need Mick if something like that happens again."

Daichi nodded as he, Mick and Zac got over to his family. Raiden came over and gave Mick a hug too. Mick introduced Zac to Bowie's other younger brother. Isao watched not alarmed to see Mick but curious about Zac who he hadn't met yet. Mick pointed out Isao to his friend and must have told him about him.

"It's good to see you again," He said when Zac and Mick approached him.

"Yeah I," Mick started. "We need to talk quickly."

"Is there somewhere more private we can go?" Zac asked.

"Isao this is Zac.He's a friend of Bowie's too. We really need to talk to you about somethingimportant. Please," Mick asked.

"We can go to the house we were just about to go see Kaiya in a while but we can stop off at the house and talk quickly," Isao agreed.

"Yay Mick's coming for a visit," Daichi yelled out in a happy tone.

"Yes for a little while then Zac and I have to go," Mick told him.

Daichi really likes you Mick," Zac noticed as he and Mick followed Isao and his sons to their house.

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