A Day with Freddy

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Here's the next chapter. Comment and or vote and let me know what you think. Enjoy.

It had been a few days since Clio's visit to the Super Stars. Bowie had been in and out of consciousness since his last flashback with Katana. The exhaustion and pain these flashbacks caused him were hard to endure but he wanted to remember everything he'd forgotten and recover from what had happened to him. He wanted to. He wanted to leave the room but he didn't want to be a threat and hurt anyone. He had to get better, stronger and remember in order to be released.

Right now Bowie was deep in sleep and Freddy and Mick were in the recovery room with him waiting for him to wake so they could check his progress and see how he was holding up and maybe see if they could introduce him to someone new soon or see if he remembered anyone he'd already been introduced to. Usually only Mick would be here with Bowie while he slept but Freddy didn't like Mick being alone all the time even if it was with Bowie and wanted to be there right now in case something happened with their coven mate.

Mick was currently sitting on the cot with his back to the wall as he watched Bowie sleep hopefully peacefully. Freddy was sitting on a chair in between Mick and Bowie out of Bowie's reach in case he woke thirsty and not in control.

"I'm getting worried," Mick said softly. "It's been quite sometime since he's been awake last. He wasn't even awake this morning to feed."

"I know but he looks like he's stable for right now. I'm sure he's doing okay," Freddy answered as he got up and reached for an acoustic guitar he had leaning on the wall next to Mick a few feet from his chair.

"I know he looks stable now but what about in a little while?"

"I guess that's why Clio wanted someone to stay with him. To be on the safe side," Freddy voiced out.

Freddy was still unsure how he felt about the idea of Clio choosing Mick to be the one to stay with Bowie. Clio hadn't actually selected Mick when he'd suggested someone stay with Bowie at all times. Mick had wanted to be the one to do it and had asked if he could but Clio had known he would when he'd brought up the topic of someone staying with Bowie. Clio also knew Mick was suffering from watching Bowie fight to live. Was Clio really trying to help or was he working with Phi this whole time to torment them and hurt them?

Freddy looked over to Bowie as that thought crossed his mind. The High Council had experience with one of them going rouge already from when Theodore had done it and allied with Free. Was Clio really going rouge? shouldn't Kris already be taking action if he was? What was the old vampire hiding from them?

Freddy didn't want to think Clio was the kind of person to work with the enemy. He seemed so genuine and caring even though he was untrusting and hiding something. He seemed to want to help Bowie. Was it all an act though? Was Clio pretending to be trustful to get them to let their guard down around him?

"Damn it why am I the only one thinking about this?" Freddy said quietly to himself forgetting Mick was in the room.

Mick, who'd been looking at the floor lost in thought looked up and subtly glanced over at Freddy having heard what he'd said. What had it meant? Was he having his own thoughts of what was going on? He looked over at Bowie again who still hadn't woken up then back at Freddy.

"Why are you the only one thinking about what?" He asked softly deciding to talk about it.

"It's nothing you need to worry about. Just stay focused on Bowie and get him through this," Freddy told him.

"No you're going to tell me what's bothering you," Mick told him finally showing he was becoming worried about more than just Bowie.

"Mick you won't like what I'm thinking," Freddy warned.

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