A Remembered Song

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Here's chapter 48 for you. Comment and or vote and let me know your thoughts.

Note:  The song in this chapter is called Believe  and believe it or not I actually wrote it myself for this chapter. Personally I don't think i'm very good with writing songs but you tell me.

Zac and Freddy sat huddled together in their cell at Phi's tower. They were the only two in their cell at the moment and had been since they'd been brought here hours ago. Freddy had his back to the wall while Zac's was too the bars.

"Do you think he's dead?" Freddy quietly asked.

"Lui?" Zac questioned as Freddy nodded. "I really hope not. He knows the plan failed and that we were captured. I'm hoping he could get back to the others and inform them. Then once we get out of here we can rescue Bowie and go home."

"I don't see him in any of these cells Zac. Where do you think they have him?"

"I don't know. Maybethey're asking him questions somewhere."

"Or they're torturing him like Free had," Freddy whispered quietly.

"Don't think like that. It won't do anyone any good," Zac suggested.

The two vampires sat in silence for a while as they glanced around at the humans gathered in the other cells. There were only two other cells besides theirs that had no humans in it and one of them was diagonally from them with blood stains on the floor. Where did the blood come from? Bowie or a human?

The door opened drawing Freddy's and Zac's attentions. Evel walked in and slowly and steadily made his way over to their cell. He stopped a couple feet from them and waited, watching their reactions to him. Finally he spoke.

"Welcome back to ourtower Freddy. We weren't expecting you again so soon after you left so quicklythe first time. Tell me are your accommodations the same as you remember?" Evelsmirked.

"I'm not talking to you," was all Freddy said looking at the floor.

"That's fine with me as you're not who I came to see," Evel said back before turning his attention to Zac. "Zachary. Also known as Zac and Zac the Sunrise on stage. The coven leader of the Super Stars, your ability is to manipulate electricity."

"How do you know all that?" Zac demanded.

"I have done quite a bit of research about you and your coven. Now back to business. Lui turned on us unexpectedly but that's not a problem. We'll kill him once we defeat you and your allies if he's not already dead. Know that we have you, Freddy here and the young dark one there is still one more from the original coven we need to get our hands on the earth manipulator. And you're going to help us."

"No I don't thinkso," Zac said firmly.

"You don't have a say. We will use you to lure him into a trap then we will use Freddy here to lure the half-breed female to us so we can learn more about half-breeds then we'll simply destroy the bunch of you before defeating the High Council."

"Why are you revealing this to us?" Freddy asked.

"Simple so you know your role in our plans for domination," Evel stated calmly.

"You do know we have more members in our coven then the original ones and your plan won't work," Zac told Evel. "Mick won't fall for it. If you use me or Freddy to try and lure him into your trap he'll go for help before trying to release us."

"What about the youngdark one. If he doesn't come to you he'll at least come to him. It's hotwiredinto him. His feelings for his coven mate or so strong they'll overpower everyother thought," Evel mused. "It's not like you can stop us anyway."

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