A Decision

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Here's another chapter. Comment and or vote and enjoy.

Zac waited in the living room for Mick to arrive back home. It was seven AM and so far Mick had not returned yet. What was he doing? Did he know he was in trouble and simply chose to not return? Had something else come up with him? Was he okay? All these questions ran through Zac's mind as well as others.

What was Mick thinking? What could possibly be keeping him right now? What made him leave Bowie at a time when he was still recovering from his ordeal with Free and starting to do much better? Where was Mick right now?

"Mick," Zac muttered.

"He's still not home yet?" Freddy asked as he came up from being with Bowie.

"No," Zac told him quietly.

"I don't like this Zac. What could possibly be keeping him away from Bowie?"

"I don't know but he's got some serious explaining to do when he gets back. What brings you up and away from Bowie?"

"He's asking for Mick. I came up to ask Mick to go see him but he's still not here."

"I'll send Mick down to you and Bowie when I've finished talking to him," Zac said softly.

"That might have to wait," Clio interrupted as he made his sudden presence known. "As you know I reported Mick's disappearance to Kris and she is not happy with him. She'd like to speak with Mick when he returns. I'll be here until he turns up so I can inform her."

"Might be waiting for a while," Zac told him. "I've been waiting since we got back from seeing Amaya and the kids."

"When was that?" Clio inquired.

"Around one in the morning. And Mick still wasn't here. It's now after seven and he's still not home."

"Is it possible he could have run into trouble?" Clio thought out loud.

"I'm hoping not but yes," Zac voiced out.

"We will wait till noon. If he does not show up by then I will inform Kris and we'll see if we can locate him."

"Thanks Clio."

Zac and Clio sat in silence as Freddy returned to Bowie in the basement. As they waited both vampires thought about the consequences of what Mick was doing. War with the humans, hate, danger. They also thought about what they could gain from what he was doing. Freedom from hiding, people understanding them and coexisting with them and even the chance of seeing their human families again. The pros and cons were about equal.

Mick finally returned to the house at eleven. He looked lost in thought. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Clio and Zac waiting for him. Clio didn't look angry but he didn't look to happy either. Zac on the other hand looked frustrated and angry at him. Mick stood in front of his coven leader a few feet from Clio and waited.

"Clio do you want to go first," Zac asked the old vampire.

"I think I'd like to see how you handle this Zac," Clio replied from the wall he leaned on.

Zac nodded and turned to Mick. Clio sent word to Kris of Mick's return by a crow. He asked her for the chance to assess the situation first before she took over. He sent the bird and waited for a response. When the animal returned there was a message from Kris to proceed.

"Mick where were you?" Zac demanded.

"You probably already know where I was."

"You went to see the humans again I know that. What I don't know is where and why. Why did you leave Bowie alone last night and unprotected? What if something happened to him? He's weak and vulnerable right now."

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