More Discussion and A Problem

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Everyone in the room went quiet after Isao's question was asked. Kris and Zac shared a look before Zac turned his attention to Nightfell followed by glancing at the rest of his coven. They all knew who Isao was talking about but they were surprized he noticed the boy who was sleeping in the bed near the room in the basement that Bowie had been occupying for many months now. None of the humans but him and Hana had gone down into the basement and Hana hadn't noticed anyone sleeping in a bed down there. Only Isao had noticed him. though he wasn't really hidden.

"Zac would you like to explain him since you've already taken responsibility for him," Kris inquired as Zac nodded.

"Taken responsibility for him?" Isao echoed. "Are you the reason he's here?"

"You could say that. Whomentioned him to you?" Zac asked Isao.

"Mick did after I noticed him laying there. Now who is he?"

"His name is Boa," Zac told him. "He was from Free's coven. When Free took Bowie from us and was torturing him Boa, who'd been turned three years before, was tasked with keeping Bowie alive so Free could continue to torture him and hurt us. Boa did so but not for Free. He did it for us. So Bowie could live and be reunited with us. Boa betrayed Free and tried to help Bowie while also looking for a way to either get him away from Free or let us know where he was and that he was still alive since we couldn't find where Free was keeping him. Boa finally managed to break away from Free and the rest of his coven and find us. He showed us where Bowie was and told us he was still alive and that he needed us. He even helped us rescue him."

"So he's not such a bad guy," Hirohito mused. "You left Free after..."

"A year," Zac toldhis dad calmly. "Newly turned vampires have to stay with the one who turnedthem for a year."

 "A year. Why did Boa wait so long to leave him if he was so hated? Why stay for two more years if he wasn't loyal to him?"

"As stated vampires need to stay with the one who turned them for at least a year to learn about being a vampire. We need to learn to feed and to stay hidden from humans. We also need to learn what to do and what not to do in situations and what can and can't hurt us and the rules," Zac explained to his dad.

"Reasonable. So after that year he had to stay for why not leave? What made Boa stay with this other vampire he didn't agree with?" Hirohito asked again.

"Boa stayed becausehe was afraid of Free," Zac stated. "Usually a vampire gains some kind ofability a year after they are turned. Some lucky ones like Nightfell here gainone shortly after turning. There are a few who gain one after a little morethan a year but Boa is different. He had no ability that he knew of. Afterthree years he was unable to show he had one. A late bloomer you could say. He'dbeen considered the lowest ranked of Free's coven and the weakest. That's whyhe stayed."

"How could that have happened?" Yoko wondered.

"We are not quite sure why Boa didn't gain an ability after a year or a little after. Maybe fear of Free kept it at bay or perhaps he did have his ability the whole time and just never realized it, never focused on it or felt it developing therefor he never knew about it or used it," Clio chimed in.

"So what's wrong with him?" Hana asked. "Why is he sleeping right now?"

"When Phi arrived he took over as our enemy and slew Free for his impatience. He then attacked us and showed how much stronger and dangerous he was than Free. To save everyone young Boa activated his ability for the first time but he used too much power that first time and his mind kind of shattered. His body fell into a state of hibernation," Clio explained quietly. "Boa will be fine as long as he continues to get blood daily. He will eventually wake up he just needs time to recover from the mental overload that caused his mind to shatter."

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