Number 1

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Tris POV:

I press forward against the crowding Dauntless, silently pleading for them to move. I ache to see where they've placed my name— everything I've made here depends on what number my name is beside.
"Tris!" A voice shouts from somewhere in front of me. "For fucks sake, Tris. Push them away." I sigh, realizing Uriah is the one yelling at me. Idiot.

There's nearly four hundred people in front of me, but it's clear there's probably thousands in this whole room. I suddenly feel small.

But I proceed to move as he says though. I push many people aside, and many profanities and grunts are thrown my way. I'm nearly at the front, but in a split second decision I decide to say, "Hey! If you are not an initiate please feel free to move your asses back so we can all see!" My burst of courage deflates as more shouts and shoves occur. For fucks sake, I think to myself.
While pushing through more people, I realize how Dauntless has changed my speech and manner. I know my parents wouldn't approve.

I shove two people away, and I see the rankings.
Molly, is tenth. And I'm quick to notice that Drew is ninth. I feel a certain amount of 'hoorah!' just for that. At least I know I'm not in the pitiful state of having to go to the factionless.
My eyes skim past seven.
6— Christina
5— Will
4— Marlene
3— Lynn
My heart sinks. What if I am going to the factionless? And they didn't bother to put my name up?  Oh no.
2— Uriah Good Job, I mentally praise him. Uriah has been good to me these past weeks.
1— Tris
I jump from my spot, a loud laughter spilling from me. I'm first! The Stiff is first! I smile broadly, and turn around to where Will and Christina are heatedly making out. I notice Uriah walking towards me, his head shaking but a smile evidently there.
"You beat them!" He exclaims. "You beat me, Prior." I give him a smirk, and he adds, "I'm going to find Mar, in a second."

I look around and I see Lynn and Marlene.
"Uriah," I gasp, and grab his shoulder.
He turns around furrowing his brow.
"Lynn and Mar," I nod my head to where the two are passionately kissing. Uriah's shoulders sink and he looks down. I feel awful for having to be the one to show him this, but I don't want him to be led on.
"Go sit with your bro Uri," I chuckle a little, trying to distract him. "Don't worry about it."

I walk through the crowd to no where certain. Joy is running through my veins, along with a certain amount of pride. All those weeks of self doubt, and humiliation have paid off. I'll get to stay with my friends. I'll get to stay with Tobias.
I'm nearing the end of the crowd, when I get the sense someone's following
"You look good, Tris," soft and familiar hands attach to my waist. Tobias.
"You're not to bad yourself," I reply turning.
He grabs my hand and leads me to the middle-ish of the crowd. Warmth spreads through me, due to our closeness.
"Is it okay if I hug you? Would it give away to much?" I small smile appears on my face, as I answer, "I really don't care anymore." And I don't.  I lean in, and he quickly closes the gap. My arms wind around his neck, and he holds my waist. His mouth is soft and firm against mine, causing the moment to be even more special.

The world nearly fades away, as his tongue and my tongue battle each other passionately. His lips are perfect against mine, and his hands add the safety I need to it:

"Tris?" I press a small peck to Tobias' lips before pulling away. I turn around and immediately shrink back seeing the blazing eyes of Al, the giddy eyes of Christina, and Will's know-it-all posture.
"Wow," Christina says. "Tris, I don't even know what to say. This is a thing?" Oh no, I'm just kissing him cuz I'm horny.
"Y-Yeah," I reply, and realize to my dismay it sounds more like a question. "Yes, it is." I answer the second time for certainly. Tobias' warm hands are on my waist from behind me, and he gives me a gentle squeeze.

"What the fuck," Al's voice echoes through me, almost pushing over like a title wave. "Tris . . . What are you doing? Since day two I've hinted at liking you, I've wrapped my arms around you, I've dropped so many hints. And you pushed them all away—"
"I didn't want to ruin our friendship," I but in, but he quickly starts again.
"You pushed them all away, Tris! You didn't want me for, for him? For our instructor? Are you a whore now? Is that what I've missed? You're a whore. A little slut? I guess you aren't really Abnegation. I guess the only reason your mom came on visiting day, is because she didn't know her daughter was screwing an older man."

I look away, anger and truth hitting me like rain. I walk a step towards Al, so my boyfriends hands fall from my waist. I start walking as I hear Will's angered voice at Al— Will standing up for me. Embarrassment floods my cheek, and surely the back of my neck. I forgot how my friends would react when they saw me kissing Tobias. Its different when I'm with him. Nothing else matters.

But Al came into that an ruined it, he caused a messy scene, that is now burned into the back of my mind.
I'm nearing the exit, when I'm suddenly scooped up. "What the hell?" I exclaim, and I realize I'm on someone's shoulder.
"Relax," Tobias chuckles. "I'm not going to let your stupid sludge-hammer of a friend ruin your special night, Tris." I sigh, and seconds later, I'm sitting at a table, with Shauna and Zeke across from me. I notice Uriah slouched beside Shauna, they're in a deep conversation. Lynn and Marlene sit a few feet down from me, leaving enough room for two people to sit beside me, and there's a space for someone to sit beside Zeke.

From beside me, Tobias grabs my hand, "Forget about what he said." His voice is soft, and whispered. I nod, and lean my head on his shoulder.
"Would it be weird if I said I'd kinda just want to move in with you?" I asked. The dormitories just don't feel safe anymore. "I mean, I could get my own apartment too. I just thought it'd be okay, I won't be clingy or anything?"
"You're cute when you ramble," he laughs. "And yeah, if you want. Don't rush if you don't want to."

"Don't call me cute," I snap quickly. Tobias roars with laughter, and the rest of the table must've heard too, because they join in.
"Do you want me to call you a bitch instead?" He asks, trying to fend of laughter.
"Cute it is," I reply hastily, picking my nails. That was a complete dumbass move on my part. I often forget how quick thinking is part of Tobias' nature.
"Hey it's okay baby," he murmurs only to me. I nod, and hear my three friends voices nearing. Shit.

Christine locks eyes with me, and gives me pointed look insinuating that Al is pissing her off. 'There's only two spots beside me' I mouth to her. She nods quickly, and grabs Will's arm, leading the beside me. They both sit, and Al is diagonally in front of me.
Al smirks at me, and licks his teeth, in which I can only guess he thinks is in a seductive way.
"She's mine Four," he laughs at my boyfriend.

"I doubt it," Zeke says, speaking in our conversation. "You're not much of a catch Al."
"She's not yours Al," Tobias chimes in. "She's her own person, you know?"
I roll my eyes, and I stand up. Tobias grabs my wrist, his eyes displaying worry. I give him a reassuring look. I walk to the other side of the table, and smack Al upside the head.
"You are my friend," I state, as he dramatically rubs his head. "But don't make me hurt you, Albert."

Will whoops at me, and I sit back down.
"Nice," Tobias scoffs beside me. I smile, and press a kiss to his cheek.
"Alright," Zeke says, and before I can ask what he's doing, he's standing on our table. "There is going to be a party in a couple hours at my place. I know, I know, cliché? But you get to drink okay? And I'm letting you use my apartment as an anything you want room so shut the fuck up and come on over."

I blow a bunch of air from my mouth and turn to Tobias.
"I'm gonna quickly change okay? I'll meet you at the party?"
"Be safe."
"I've got Chris, and Will with me," I say. "And I'm not defenceless." He shakes his smiling, and I head off with my friends, only turning to see Tobias laughing with Zeke.

This is my life now.

A/N: Edited March 28, 2016
I hope you guys enjoyed part one of this insane journey ; )

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