Number 59

221 9 1

Tris POV

"Hey Tris," Christina says as she walks in my front door. "Have you heard from him." She hisses the last word, making it seem like venom.

It's been 3 days since Tobias has left me, and Christina believes hating on him will improve my mood. It doesn't. All the stuff she says is untrue, and makes me miss him more. He is an amazing man, who was smart enough to leave me, instead of continuing to lead me on.

The pain and suffering are what really eat me up inside. The past nights, before I fall asleep I sob and cry. I sleep in one shirt, and it meets the bottom of my thighs. It's his shirt.

Uriah believes I should move on, but seriously, the love of my life, my husband, left me. It wasn't one of those beautiful romantic break-ups, where they hope to continue to be friends, and  they hang out, and when they part, they share one last kiss.

He left me in the shower, and I hoped that he would come back. But he didn't and I feel like all the weakness I've pressed back, has come tumbling down, threatening to destroy me.

Maybe it already has.

My whole body aches, and yearns, for him to just caress my cheek with his thumb, gently sweep his tongue across the inside of my cheek, as he leans over me on the bed.

"I, uh," I don't know wether to say I'm dying inside or that I'm okay. "I'm dying inside. It feels like he took who I am with him when he left." Christina's eyes soften. I can't help but believe that she is thinking about how Will left her. He then came after me, probably thinking I would give him sex, or I was so weak he could rape me.

Of course those are just thoughts, I doubt any are true. Will is yes, a player, but he's not sadistic like Peter, or a pervert like Eric.

"I know how you feel," Christina says, her eyes trained on the floor. "Will did the same to me. Same style breakup to. Except, I punched him the face, and slapped the bitch he left me for so hard."

"Do you think he'll move on? I mean it wouldn't be hard." In the Dauntless laws, there is nothing that states the fact that you have to go through a divorce lawyer. They believe you should have free will to wine and dine, then leave, whoever you want, with no problems.

I never considered the fact that maybe Tobias was playing me all along, but then, why wouldn't he have left me to do at Evelyn's? Maybe, he does still love me. Or maybe he really truly doesn't. I don't know.

"No," she says. "Well, the truth?-" she pauses, and I nod. "What's stopping him? He won't at first, but maybe in a few months to a year he'll be ready." I nod, grateful she's telling the truth.

I hate the lies I've often been fed by friends. All of there speeches ending in, it'll be better, you'll be okay. Christina's always been honest with me, and I'm forever grateful for that.

I feel a warm liquid dripping down my face and realize I'm crying. The pain in my chest, I also realize, will never go away.
Tobias POV

I walk into my empty apartment and all the weight on my shoulders threatens to crumble me, break me. Max could barely look at me the whole trip, and I assume all my other friends will be the same.

I'm surely labeled as an outcast, in our group of friends, hated. While I was leaving the compound three girls asked me out, of course all three I objected to.
I will not date anyone, I don't care if Eric threatens to kill me, if I don't.

I plan on ridding Eric from this place, one way or another. Then I can tell Tris the truth, yet I don't expect her to take me back.

I'm broken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I glance at the cabinet beside the door that has a gun. If it's Eric, That's what I have.

I open the door, and see no Eric, but I do see Zeke. His face is hard, and he looks at me like I'm some mutant. I sure feel like one.

"You fucking idiot," he mutters. "Tris is currently at home, with a pair of shorts on, and your t-shirt. Every night she sobs, and all she is is a shell of her former self. Why?"

I don't think I should tell Zeke, it wouldn't work out well in the long run. "I couldn't do it. I love her, in a different way then I should, and I can't see us going anywhere anymore. Please, Zeke, I'm your best friend."

"Yeah you are. But that doesn't X out the fact that you left Tris." Yes Zeke, I know.
I don't know what is getting me through the days without her, maybe I'm running on pure adrenaline. I don't know.

I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. But you know what I think about hope? It reads eternal misery.

A/N: Yup, I believe that. Hey guys. So, if you didn't ready my chapter, "Goodbye" it was just me coping with the death of my friend. Kyle, suffered from depression, and finally it was to much and he committed suicide.

This chapter sucks, yes I know. But please understand I'm going through a loss because Kyle was one of my friends. If you see OurLastStormer please show Ewan your love while he goes through the grieving process of his brother.

I hope you didn't hate this chapter because it sucked😢👈🏽

Byye guys✌🏽️

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