Number 58

271 14 2


Tobias POV

I close my eyes and enter the training room. I smell a strong sharp scent, indicating Eric is already here. He knocked on my door at 4:00 in the morning, asking me to meet him. My plan is to hear what he was to say, and then beat him unconscious. Murder came to mind a few times, but I wouldn't be able to do that.

Killing him, no matter what he's done, will result in punishment inflicted upon me, and I will be labeled as a murderer.

"I'm here," I announce. I hear a moan from around the corner of the room, and see Eric and Peter aggressively kissing. "Khm," I interrupt. "If you want to hook up, I'll leave."

Eric grabs Peter's, 'junk' and he groans.
"Now we're done. Peter you can leave babe," Eric says. Peter nods and on his way out tries to punch, which I easily dodge.

I am already irritable just upon the fact that I'm stuck, in a room, with weapons, standing next to AN EVIL PHYSCOPATH!

"How's Tris," Eric says. "Is she still scared? I didn't know she was so weak, that she'd still be terrified. She's got to move on. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not. So are you going to leave her?" So this is what it's about. My relationship.

"I don't know."

"You have to choose soon Four. I have plans. And I will fit them accordingly to your choice. No pressure, but your wife's life could be hanging in the balance." Tris could die.

I simply nod, and Eric walks out of the training room, and hopefully Tris's life. I hear Eric call from the hall, "Oh! And don't tell Tris about our arrangement. That might effect my plan."

Murderous bastard.

Tris POV

I take off my robe, and take the last pain medication, and hop into the shower. I allow the warm hot water to incase my body. I moan when the warmth seeps into my skin.

My peaceful mood is slightly damaged when I hear a door slam, and footsteps. Tobias enters the bathroom, and I smile to myself. "Hey," I say. "So, I'm thinking of making salad for dinner? I'm honestly not in the mood for chatting with our friends."

"I have to leave Tris," Tobias says in a flat voice, when usually left for initiates.

Maybe he's just had a bad start to the day, or it's quite possible Max has slammed to much work on him. He usually comes home in a foul mood on days where there's paper work. He's always apologizing for being passive aggressive somewhat. I understand of course, because he is just one person. And stress can send people crazy.

"When will you be back?"

"I'm not coming back Tris. I....I can't be in this relationship anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love you. But not in the way I should. So, I guess, this is goodbye. I'm going to Amity for a few days for leadership meetings, and when I'm back you'll need to have found a new apartment."

I hear a door closing and locking. And I crumble to my knees. The blow of the fall knocks the air out of my lungs. I feel a sting in my chest, and I feel like someone ripped out my insides and replaced them with knifes. My nails scrape across the tub, while sobs of agony run through my body. He left me. Oh God he left me.

I should've known I wasn't good enough for him, that he would leave me eventually. But he's all that I have, and I thought, for the years we've been together, that he loved me to.

My whole body clenches up. He was all I had left. The tears start to match the pace of the shower. What could I have done better? I will never feel his arms around me again. He'll find someone perfect. I black out.

Tobias POV

My knees feel weak as I walk out of the apartment. I have to compose myself, or what I just did will mean nothing to Eric. Speak of the devil, I see him approaching me. "It's done I say." He nods and continues down the hall, I assume to Peter's room.

I want to run back to the apartment where Tris is, and tell her I didn't want to do this. That I want to have her back in my arms. But then he'll hurt her Tobias, my subconscious says.

The fact that my life has come down to this makes me re-think everything I've ever done. If I had just let Eric keep the leadership position, I would be with Tris right. I'd be holding her in my arms as we snuggled on the bed, underneath the soon to be warm comforter.

At the cafeteria Uriah is the first one to talk to me. "Hey man where's Tris," he asks.

"Dunno, don't care."

"What the hell does that mean Four?"

I pick at my cuticles, trying to seem calm. But all of my body aches to see Tris again. "It means," I say. "That we are no longer together. So go tell all our friends. And no, before you ask, she didn't break up with me." I broke up with her.

Tris POV

When I awaken, I realize the hot water has turned ice cold, and that Tobias is no longer here. I here a banging on the door and someone yelling, "Tris! Tris! Open up please." Hm, I think to myself. Maybe they won't get in. Maybe I'll be able to just die here.

I truly have nothing to live for,

Suddenly the door to the bathroom abruptly opens, and I grab the towel near me. "Tris," Uriah whispers. "Come on girl, let's get Christina in here. And we will figure this out." The tears make a re-appearance but I don't care, they've all seen my cry, and they've all seen how weak I am.

Uriah scurries out and within 10 seconds Christina's here. Coaxing me from my fatal position. He left me, with a simple goodbye, and no, 'I love you'
He left me one thing. Pain.

"He left me," I sob. "He left me. He's all I have. All I'll ever have, all I'll ever get. I've lost myself." I'm now on my bed with a black robe around me.

"He's a monster," hisses Christina. "I told myself that if he ever hurt you, I'd hit him with a hammer. One of those really large ones." She pauses but continues, "MAX! GO GET MY HAMMER!" Max jumps from where he's sitting on the floor.

"He's not a bad man Christina," Max says, his voice stern. "He's just the most retarded man on the face of the earth." He was smart to leave me.

A/N: WHAT IS UP?! Do you hate me? Probably....I'm sorry guys, but this has to happen.

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