Author Note

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{The finale}
Oh my God, what a roller coaster this has been 😢 My first book, my first writing experience. And now it's over . . .
It's so hard to believe that this book is ending, it seems like yesterday I was writing chapter one! And the last post, was my 100th post of this book. It just felt right for that to be the last chapter.

I pre wrote a lot of the chapters--I didn't want to be emotional writing them, haha.

I know you guys probably weren't expecting for that to be end . . . But I was really proud of the way it's ending.

But is it really ending?--you may ask.

Well, this EXACT book is. But . . . The series isn't!!!!

I decided that I couldn't just leave this world I re-created, it'd be to hard. I'm writing a sequel which will be out soon called "Ten Things"
I really hope you enjoy it(it'd mean a lot if you'd view it). And as of now, I have a new book out, too! Holy shit, two books!

My new book is called "Where was my Goodbye?" And it's based after the events of Allegiant. *Don't read it if you haven't read Allegiant--lol*

I meant for this to be super deep, but I'm just writing what I feel.

There's a lot of credit that needs to be handed out. A lot. Many people have kept me motivated, helped me, and made me feel like I wasn't some lonely author.

TrisEaton4610 she has been here for me for almost ever! She reads every chapter(and as you know there's a lot of chapters), and she always comments. She's been an amazing friend, and someone I know I can always count on.

BastilleDani I don't know how to thank you enough . . . You're kindness, and understanding has no limits. We had a rough start, and now we're close. You're like a sister to me, someone I can always count on. When that "big thing" happened, you still encouraged me to write, and get back up on my feet. AND, you did the cover for me!! Thank you SO SO much for that!! {She also did the cover for 'Where was my goodbye' and 'Ten Things'}

mysticalwriterx you don't really know me, I know. But you've been my biggest inspiration. And just remember, someday you're going to have a bestselling book, and I'm going to be the first in line to get it.

And that's my thanks guys❤️
I'll update this again, when 'Ten Things' is up and published! Please keep an eye open, and follow me, comment, and vote. *And check out my new books*

One last thing{Please rate my book}
2--Terrible. Don't ever write again.
3--Why did you even begin to write?
4--Not even close to good.
5--A lot of room for improvement, but you got a couple good aspects.
6--Do better. But I didn't hate it.
7--Not bad, you did okay. Some things could be done better though:)
8--Great! A couple things could've been fixed, but a good book overall.
9--Awesome, very enjoyable. I can't wait for the next book.

I love you guys to the moon and back, and I can't thank everyone enough, for coming along on this fucking crazy ride!

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