Number 25

578 21 3

Realization begins with E.

Tobias POV

Tris' eyes are watering and she gulps loudly. I know she's thinking, be brave for Seely. Or-now 10. I can't believe it's going to end like this. I can't believe Susan, a little Abnegation girl-and Tris' closest thing to a friend in Abnegation, betrayed us.

The door bangs open and something inside me jumps. Maybe it's our friends! Maybe they're here! But it's not the gang.

It's Eric.
I can believe this.

"Erik. I've done everything you asked! Please let my dad go!" Susan screams.

  What the hell? Wait, this all makes sense! Susan was forced by Erik to do this to us, and knowing Susan was Tris' friend he made her the one to do it. Sick.

   "Oh Susan. Did you really believe I'd let your father go? Ha! If you did your just as foolish and brainless as your faction. Tsk, tsk. Say goodbye to Tris." I see a small flash and a guns in Eriks hand. I gulp. He's going to kill Susan.

Tris POV
Susan never wanted to hurt me! Or Tobias and Seely! I wish I could be happy thinking we weren't going to
die-but I'd be lying to myself. Just because Erik doesn't have a trigger to my head doesn't mean I'll be living much longer.

   I look over and hear the end of Susan and Eriks conversation. "Tsk, tsk. Say goodbye to Tris." Eriks sick voice plays through my mind. I see a flicker of movement and there's a gun in his hand. "No!" I screech,"She did everything you asked! Leave her the hell alone or I swear-someone's gonna kill you. Maybe it won't be me. But someone gladly will." Erik looks at me and grins wickedly.

Tobias POV
   God Tris! I thought I could trust her to keep her own life! I know Susan is her friend, but she has to live and antagonizing Erik isn't going to do that.  I try my best not to lash out-especially not at Seely or Tris-and it works.

   In my mind I'm forming plans. None that'll work, though. "Susan," Erik spits, "take the number and bring her to the cafeteria." I can't help but sigh in relief. Seely is one less person for me to worry about living.

   I try to keep my mind off of what Erik might do to her when Tris and I are gone. No-when I'm gone. I intend for Tris to live.

   "So," Erik says, "I know this wasn't all completely necessary-" Eriks stopped by Tris scoffing. Erik growls and slaps her. Harder then I've ever seen anyone be slapped. I hear her gasp and scream in pain. Her lip bleeds and she ignores it. I run to her but am blocked my 4 guards. I knock all 4 out and hold Tris. Not only because she's hurt-but because this might be our only time together.

  "Anyway," continues Erik, "Even though it took much longer then what I had hoped; I finally fulfilled on my threat. Which, if you don't remember; was that I'd hurt you Tris. Which, thankfully hurts him, too."

   Tears slip from Tris' eyes. I whisper in her ear that it's not her fault. She just whimpers in response. "I'd love to kill you now. But I intend to make it long and painful. Your going to die of 3 things: dehydration, lack of food, and lack of energy. This should take about a week. Because you'll get a little water. But definitely not enough to satisfy." Erik says.

   He's got this all planned out. Everything. I can't think of a single way to get Tris out of here alive.

  Eriks walks to the door and leaves. But first he says, "They'll be lots of fear sims for you and Tris. Tobias." He says my name like its poison. And it feels like it when he says it, too. Before I can reply-he's gone.

Uriah POV

   "Guys look!" I exclaim. In the corner of the cafeteria Seely is standing. She sees us and runs over. All the girls gasp. Seely says 4 words, "Mum Da need help!"

A/N: Huge cliffy for a huge chapter. I hope this was enjoyed. I'll hopefully be updating soon. Though I make no promises. I hope you guys have an amazing day my 10s, and Fours

Question of the Chapter:
Do any of you have a YouTube channel?

Answer: You'll find mine in the next chapter! And please tell me if you do in the comments!

Last weeks question was, "If you saw Veronica Roth and could only ask her one thing, what would it be?
My answer to that is: What's your email.

I want you to please check out TrisEaton64 and TheZanyBookWorm!

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