Number 78

229 6 8

Month Five

"Okay," I say excitedly. "You ready to go get some baby stuff?" Tobias is finishing cleaning up the kitchen, and I'm standing at the door, list in hand. "Yup, be there in a moment." I remember something and say, "Hey Tobias? We need to pick up some grapes, and cheese, and bread." As he walks over, he gives me a weird face. "Not to eat all together right?" He asks.

"Only the bread, and cheese. The grapes will be eaten on there own, Tobias." He laughs a relieved laugh. God, I think. It's not like he's the one who's eating it!

"What will be getting for my little boy?" Tobias asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I press the list into his hand.

bAby LiST:
•threE stUffeD anImaLs
•ChanGiNg taBle
•paInt (bLue, broWn)
•twO framEs

After reading it, Tobias gives me yet another weird stare. "What's with random Capitol letters?"

"I'm a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to letters in the middle." He laughs at my remark.


I walk around the baby store, finding the last items on my list. Tobias is off picking the shade of blue and brown he wants. I'm texting Christina, asking her opinion.

T: BlUe hiPpo, or oRanGe elEphaNt?
C: Orange elephant--duh!
T: You aRe so wEiRD, bUt I don'T kNow whAt I'd dO wiThoUt you
C: It's so hard to read with your fucking shitty capitalization
T: screW yOu
C: Love you, too!

I laugh, and place the phone back in my pocket. I grab the stupid elephant, and throw it into the basket of things. Tobias walks toward me, holding three cans of paint, and various decorative things. "Okay," he says. "I had to get some stuff, okay? I want his room to work for when he's older, too." I smile at him, letting him know it's okay.

I grab the last of the things I need. And we head to pay for everything.


I stand in the my child's room, paint buckets assorted, and paint brushes set up.

I grab one, and dip it in the paint. Causing the brush to go from a simple white, to a royal blue.

In a fine even line, I swipe it across the wall, and proceed to repeat the process.

On my third swipe Tobias walks in. "Nice of you to join us," I mutter, moving the paint closer to me. "Sorry," he puts his hands up in surrender. "I guess you don't want a big dinner. That's okay. Steak, potatoes, gravy, Dauntless cake." My mind swirls with different ways I could answer this. So I settle for, "You're forgiven." And a peck on the cheek.

Tobias joins in, grabs one of the brushes and starts to work on the other wall. Three walls will be royal blue, and one will be brown. The plan is, the brown will have photos all over it, a few shelves, and whatever else I choose. There will be bins of toys, literally bins, and a closet full of clothing.

The crib I chose is a pitch black coloured, along with brown accents. I haven't decided where to place it yet, but I think the head of it will be pressed against the brown wall, and the side of it will run along the blue wall. The comforter for the crib is blue, with the words "boy" "man" "blue" "live" "epic" and a variety of other scattered on it in black. The back of the crib will have the changing table beside it, and beside that is a little chest Tobias picked out for him. On the opposite side wall of the crib, is a fairly decent sized desk, that is a dark shade of brown.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't even realize I'd finished two walls! "Well, well," Tobias comments. "Looks like someone's a master painter."


"Oh, Tris. I love you."

"I love you, too."

"My wounded Angel"

"My strong Saint."

A/N: If you want your baby names to be considered, put em' in the comments!!!! {This is one of the pre-written chapters}

I love you guys so much! And voting and commenting means you love me, too!💟

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