Number 80

231 10 1

Month Eight: Week one

Tris POV

I grab the pillow beside me, and smash it into my face. Irritation runs through me like wild fire. After yesterday's appointment, Lena told me that I had to sleep in one position, and one position only. My back. If I'm on my side, apparently I could roll onto my stomach, and harm the baby. Even so, I usually slept on my stomach for fucks sakes! I can't sleep like this. I'm uncomfortable, and grouchy, and seriously craving strawberries, or cherries, or chocolate. Oh all of those sound amazing.

I decide to go try to find some in the fridge. I attempt to swing my legs over the side of the bed, but ultimately just end up nearly rolling off of it. "Damn it," I cuss, out of breath from only that small movement. I hear a groan from
Tobias, who is beside me. "Tris," he slurs, still partially asleep. "What now baby?" For some reason the comment angers me. "'What now?' What is that supposed to mean?" He sighs, and sits up. "I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't mean to upset you."

I concede, I give him a smile. "These hormones," he sighs. "Alright. What can I do for you baby?" Well, for starters I'm kind of stuck, so maybe he could help me with that. "Pull me up please," I demand, he obliges graciously. "Do we have any strawberries, cherries, or chocolate?" He shakes his head, and I frown, fiddling with the hem of my top.

I suddenly feel the urge to cry, and I push it back, not wanting to give in. "You want me to pick some up, aye?" He asks, rubbing my belly. I nod, and leaning close to my baby bump, he whispers, "Oh, child. Look at what I'm doin' for your mom." I swat him upside the bed, earning a laugh.


My eyes threaten to close, but I need to fight off this off. I've got to stay awake. Tobias just left to go get me some food, and I can't fall asleep without my food. Who knows . . . Maybe a little action will happen later?

To wake myself up more, maybe I could take a shower? I look at the time and see it reads 4:30. I sigh, not wanting to be up at this time. But, oh well.

I walk into the bedroom, and pick out a black hoodie, and dark grey tights. Half asleep, half awake, I walk into the bathroom to shower. I pull my hair out of its bun, and start to remove my clothing. I quickly turn on the shower so it'll heat up.

Once my top is off, I take a moment to look at my increasing in size baby bump. My hand runs over it, just as my little boy kicks. It causes a bit of pain, but overall joy, knowing he's happy.

I start to worry about what will happen when he's born. What if my body gives out? What if he is still born? The possibilities are endless . . .
And what about a name? I have so many ideas, and Tobias does, too. But how are you supposed to name a child you know nothing about? It's impossible, seemingly.

I pull off my sleeping shorts, and walk over to the shower. I place my hand in first, making sure the heat isn't to intense. And then I step in, and the heat takes over, causing a sigh to escape my mouth. My hands massage my scalp, trying to undo the form my hairs taken from having it up. At last, it straightens out, and I notice it barely touches my butt.

The thought of cutting it hasn't played in my mind at all. Most likely because only three things hold current placing. Tobias, baby, food. Maybe I will cut it, but it will  definitely be a hard decision to make.

I hear the door unlock, and then close. "Tris?" Tobias calls out. "In the shower," I reply, smiling. His footsteps near, and then they stop. "Hey baby," he says, and I can sense the smile on his face. "I got the food, want me to make a small meal to go with it?" I tell him yes, and he heads out of the bathroom.

Once I feel more awake, and my body is a little less stiff, I turn off the water, and grab my towel. I wrap it around my body before stepping out. "Is it almost ready, Tobias?" I ask, peering at myself once again in the mirror. "A few minutes baby. Hold on, I'm going to come over." He walks to the bathroom, and smirks at me. "Well, it's not everyday you see your beautiful wife naked, and glimmering wet." I roll my eyes at him, dropping the towel, and pulling on my tights. Tobias comes closer, his hands moving over my baby bump.

The baby gives a kick, and he laughs, a few tears trickle down his cheek. "Our family," he says, his hands seemingly holding the bump. "My family is here"-he pauses, and grabs my face gently with his hands. -"And here."

"You are my beautiful Angel, Tris."

"And you are my handsome Saint."

"And he will be our lovely junior."

A/N: Heyy! So, kind of a filler chapter:) I'm thinking three chapters for month eight, and then I'll proceed on? As we're speaking, it's November 23rd, these are pre-written!:)

Everyone!!! Please remember the date: December 7th!!! Something huge is going to happen that day:)

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