Number 44

308 13 0

Falling to who I am

Tobias POV

Falling in love. What an odd expression. Well, that's what I used to think. But when Tris and I shared a kiss at the chasm, I felt myself falling. Falling away from the guarded parts of me. Into a new person who'd do anything for her.

I grabbed to small pieces of my guarded self as I fell. But only enough to help me. With the one person I was scared of. Marcus. I'm not afraid of him, but of what he might do to Tris. To anyone. At least that's what I tell myself. And I'm scared it may be untrue.

But I have a feeling, that Tris fell just the same way I did. And she grabbed onto pieces of her selflessness. But she had just enough time to grab the anger out of me. She's never lost her stubbornness. And I pray she never does.

Tris POV

How is it possible not to love a man like Tobias? How is it possible to not want to jump into his strong arms? That are always there to catch me no matter how big, nor small the fall is.

He's never ever given me reason-nor will he ever give me a reason-and I know this because I love him-to believe that he doesn't love every little thing about me. Even the stupid annoying stuff. And there's a lot of that.

The day he proposed was so damn messy! But that's what made it great. Proposing at a fancy restaurant with only us two there, isn't reality. The way he proposed made sure it wasn't to formal, wasn't to...hmm...what's the word? Unrealistic? Yes. Unrealistic.

Tobias POV

I can't help but worry. Worrying is all I've ever done. Even when I'm happy, and it feels like maybe life has given you a break, I worry that it'll end.

This time my worrying is about something that might happen soon. And that's Al. I haven't told Tris what he said, and how he said it, and I honestly don't know if I can. I could've misunderstood. And then Tris could retaliate. That's not what I want, I tell myself.

I figure if I wait, and see if he.....strikes again, then I'll know for sure. I'd hate to ruin a friendship that has potential. I sigh. I'm turning soft. Goddamn it!
I see Tris hastily writing in something. "Hey baby," I say. She looks up startled. She places her book on the bed. I realize it's the diary I grabbed from Mrs.Priors house. She pushes herself towards me, and lays down. She shivers and I wrap my arms around her. She places her head on my chest. "You're always there to catch me," she murmurs. I smile and respond, "You're always there to keep me in check." She laughs, and I can tell her hearts into it.

I sit up, and loom my face above hers, just enough to tease her. "Hey," she whines. "Don't be a tease." I smirk and reach behind me to the bedside table, and grab her pills. "We're gonna need these for what we're about to do," I say while showing the 2 white pills. They are identical to birth control pills.

I see her eyes widen and she looks at me like I'm insane. "What," I say. "Do you think these are? Definitely not my beautiful Tris' medicine. Because that doesn't make as much sense as birth control pills." I burst into laughter at the end and she growls.

It makes me laugh harder and she whacks my arm. Just like she did when I tried to comfort her after her first fear landscape. "Ouch," I say mockingly. She laughs then and I know she's no longer irritated.

"So let me get this straight," Tris says. "You want to go into our fear landscapes? Together?" I nod. "Why not," I say.

She thinks it over and I can imagine what going in her mind. "Oh....okay," she says.

A/N: HEYO!!! Was up? I'm flipping amazing. Okay, this is totally off topic....but.....Who thinks Nial from 1D is totally hot?! I do!!! Oh man. When he raps, "Vacany Baby," my heart MELTS!!! Anyway, back on topic. I know I haven't updated. My summer is fairly busy. I do need more answers from authors to my questions.

Oh my god. I loved writing this chapter. I was showing my account to my BFF and she's LITERALLY said, "Holy shit! You're fucking amazing!!!!'s like you stopped writing at 13, and passed it to V Roth herself!" I flipped out 'cuz I was so happy!!!

Bye ya'll!

Comeback of the chapter:

P.1: "It's ruined!"
Me: "I know, that's what the doctors said when you were born. They also said no amount of plastic surgery can fix what happened to that thing you call a face. Oops, sorry, you're parents wanted to tell you when you were 16. Bye!"

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