Number 66

239 10 4

Hold me

Tris POV

"Hey Tobias," I call out, sipping the final bit of my tea. "Al wanted to know if he could help with initiates this year. Is that okay?"

I smile, I miss hanging out with Al. We had a weird start to our friendship, a terrible middle, and now, all is well, and all is forgiven. I still see the pang of pain in his eyes, when I'm with Tobias, and I wish there was something I could do, something to help him . . .

"Sure baby. You can head to the training room now, I'll meet you there."

Baby, I smile at the thought, I love it when he calls me that.
I walk into the training room, fidgeting with my black crop top, and admiring my black short-shorts. "Tris," Al calls out, standing in the corner.

For a moment, I'm startled, not used to be called, Tris. I've spent so much time with the initiates that I'm used to always hearing, coach.

I smile and head towards him. "Hey man," I smile. "How's it going?"

"No comment," he laughs, but something seems off in his eyes, and I feel a wave of wariness come over me. "Wow, Tris. You look sexy."

I move away a little, unsure of where this is going, and silently praying that Tobias will soon be here. "Not again Al, please," is what I want to say. Instead I reply a small, and squeaky, "Thanks."

I notice that my hands are a little shaky, and that my brain is conjuring many things that could go wrong.

Al takes a step towards me, and my senses are now on high alert. Please Tobias, I silently beg. Please show up soon.

Why, Al, are you doing this?

Suddenly Al's hands forcibly grab my waist and a gasp pops it's way out of my mouth. He assertively pushes me against the wall, and my body shakes with fear.

I have no way to escape. He's to strong.

"Oh Tris," he sighs against my ear, and I nearly vomit. "I just needed to see how you felt, to have my hands on you."

My hips squirm, and I try to free myself. His hands are to large, and his body is to tall. I have no escape. Where is Al, my friend?

"You feel amazing," he continues, his hands rubbing my waist.

Fear, is now a mantra, coursing through my head. Where is Tobias? Why isn't he here yet?

"Wondering why Four is," Al says, reading my thoughts, while his hands move dangerously low. "There's a malfunction in the monitoring room. He has to go there. We've got at least a half hour, maybe more."

Tears slowly trickle down my face, and I can't believe this is happening. Al, he has turned so often, and I no longer know he is, and if he ever changed.

My hands push against his chest, but it's a weak attempt, I know. I just, I don't know what to do . . .

His hand grabs my hands, and pins them above my head. Fear, I decide, is the killer of hope, and it takes people apart piece by piece.

His hands hit the zipper of my shorts and he pulls down my shorts. "Please no," I cry, and my heart is pumping furiously. Where are you Tobias? "Al! I thought you were my friend. . ."

"That's not fucking enough!" His hand slaps my ass, and a whimper courses through me. Tobias, please, please come quick-I NEED YOU.

"H-how do you know Four won't be here," I yell, trying to free my hand from his grasp. "He might show up!"

He laughs evilly and says, "Possible, but he'll still find you in an unpleasant way."

His hand pulls down my panties, and I squeeze my legs together. God no, please no. . .

"Open them up Tris," Al says, his voice cutting through my strength like obsidian. "Easy or hard way-you pick."

Just as his hands slip to the skin between my legs, the door opens, and a strangled scream comes from me, alerting anyone who is here.

"Tris," Tobias calls, his voice frantic, face angry. When his eyes finally land on where I am, he starts at a sprint towards me.

You're here, you're here. Help me.

"Damn it," Al cusses. He moves away from me and I collapse in a heap on the ground, my hands shake furiously, and I grab my shorts covering myself.

I sob, unable to contain myself, so much for being strong.

My eyes shut, trying to force out the sound of Al's sickening voice. I don't want to see them fight. I can't.

Tears continue to trickle down my face. He nearly raped me, h-he nearly raped me.

A warm calloused hand holds my waist and a loving voice murmurs, "Tris, baby, it's me."
My eyes open into a squint, and I see his face, behind him Uriah is dragging a knocked-out Al out of the room.

"He touched me," I sob. Tobias nods thoughtfully and I see tears brimming his eyes, too.

He gently places me into a sitting position, and after a few minutes he has my shorts back on, and is now picking me up. He pauses and says, "Is this okay?"

"Please," I sob into his chest. "Hold me." He obliges, and picks me up carefully.

"I love you," he whispers in my ear.

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