Number 52

239 12 2

Losing Love

Tobias POV

"Tobias?" I hear Tris from the bedroom. "Could you be like my....personal trainer? I want to be able to defend myself. I'm not much better then I was in initiation."

I walk into the bedroom and sit on the bed beside her. "Sure baby. But, as long as I'm around, you'll have no reason to have to fight." I want to remind her that she shouldn't be scared, but I've learned it's no use. She continuously suggests her death is near, and so on.

It upsets me that she thinks that way. I wish she'd have faith of my protection. Although, there's been several cases where I was unable to provide what she needed. With Eric, with Evelyn and Eric. The first one, I had no control over. The second, all I had to do was realize that it wasn't Tris's fault that Will kissed her. She wouldn't have left.
I wouldn't have shot her. Three times.

"You won't always be here Tobias," I hear Tris murmur.

"Yes I will. I'll always be here with you baby. I love you so much."

I look at her just in time to see a tear drop from her eye. I want to coddle her, but she can't stand when I do that. I suppose I wouldn't either.
"Haven't we been over this," I ask her in a patient voice. She continues not to put her whole body weight into her punches. She scowls at me, and punches wrong again.

"Tris," I say, and cross my arms. "You have to put your whole body weight into the punch. Your small, and dare I say fragile. But your fast."

"I'm trying!"

"Well, try harder," I say, turning on instructor Four mode. "We will keep going until you punch properly."

"The only way I'll learn is if I can actually fight Tobias. Can we spar?"

I hesitate and I feel that I can't hit her, or even pretend to. After I'll we've been through I really can't without feeling like Marcus.

"No." When I speak there's a tone in my voice that suggests the conversation is over.

"Screw you," she murmurs. I can't help the snarky remark, "Actually I believe it's me who screwed you."

Surprisingly she laughs. I haven't heard that in a while. I smile and feel my heart warm. I feel a few drops of warm liquid come out of my eyes.

Why am I crying? Tris starts to walk towards me and once she's in arms reach, I pick her up into my arms. I don't know why I suddenly feel sad. I feel like any moment, Tris will be stolen from my arms. I don't know what I'd do without her. It's the thought of Eric killing her that prompts me to say something. "I can't lose you," I murmur against her cheek.

"But you will, it's just a matter of time."

A/N: Hey guys! We are almost at 6K reads. Yayy! Okay, soooo, I've seen lots of Divergent fanfictions and all of them have like 60 parts. Do you guys want me to make a sequel to this? Or should I just continue on? I need to know, but either way there's no way I'm letting this story go. If I were to make a spin off, would you guys read it?

Tbh, I'm more content continuing this. I have an idea to break it up a bit of you guys prefer for me to continue this exact book. TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS!!!

At the top you guys probably noticed the words, "Losing Love"
I've edited the titles of all my chapters, so you guys, and myself know how many chapters I've written. At the tops though in bold I've written the chapter names/titles.

Please go check out my NEW other fanfics: Show your teeth
Even if it kills me
A million words

The first on SYT is an After Last Sacrafice, fanfic. The second EIIKM is a Divergent after Allegiant fanfiction, and the last AMW, is a SHEO fanfic.

Writing this whole chapter I had to listen to sadder music, I guess.
I ❤️ U guys!
Sorry for the short chapters🏽️

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