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Tobias POV

I hear a loud yell, and it sounds distinctly male. It must be her father. Once I reach the kitchen where I know her mother will be cooking, I say, "Natalie. I'm Tobias, Beatrices husband. She's been shot 3 times, and I can't make it back to the Dauntless compound with pure, one hundred percent clarity she'll make it out alive. Please, please.......Is there anything you can do?" Her mother looks taken aback. I murmur another, Please help her.

And that's all it takes. She flys up those stairs and comes down within 5 seconds and has tweezers and a medical kit. She instantly takes the tweezers out. I her a moan from Tris, my small frail little pale beautiful Tris. She must still be alive. Because she can't just be that important and die.
And I know, I know-she knows it, too.

Within a matter of minutes all bullets are retrieved from her flesh. Tris' father runs into the room. "H-how," he starts. "How did this happen? Who did this to my beautiful daughter?"

Part of me is irritated that he refers to her as his own. He disowned her, basically. Only her mother came to visiting day, and on her 18th birthday only her mother came to visit, her father had written a note in messy handwriting saying he wanted nothing to do with her, and was digested she turned into an adrenaline junky. She was a wreck for days on end, crying her self to sleep every night.

"With all do respect sir," I say. "You've disowned her. On her 18th birthday. She was wreck for days, and I jumped in and picked up the pieces. So, I'd really rather not-speak with you at the moment." He grimaces and walks to their family room. I gasp, and Natalie stops and looks at me with eyes full of sorrow. "I know he isn't helping," Tris' mother whispers. "And I don't know if he loves her anymore.....But please know I do. And please answer my questions....."

I do a quick sharp nod. "Alright. Who did this to her?" I gulp.
"I did." I whisper. I drop to my knees for real this time. The hard cold ground connecting with my knees with no help to save my self makes my vision blur for a moment.

Her mothers eyes droop down. She doesn't tell or scream or call the police as I have no doubt her father would.

"Evelyn made me," I cry. I sob. "I was in a simulation, under mind control. I was working so hard, to get out of it. But most of the time it was to strong for me. But when I finally fired the last shot......" My sentence drifts off because I can no longer speak.

I wouldn't blame Natalie if she didn't believe me.

She speaks in a soothing voice and says, "Tobias. I know you'd never, ever, hurt my daughter. I know she'll survive. I've got her stitched up. I can arrange for a car to drive you back to Dauntless. I do recommend she stay overnight though. She should be awake by morning. You can stay....uh..in...um, Tris' room. You don't have to call her Beatrice, she dislikes it as much as you dislike her calling you Four." I smile. She sends me upstairs with some bland chicken, and bread.

Tris' room looks nothing like it should. It should be full of stubbornness and defiance. But that doesn't appear in here. This Abnegation would've smothered all the fire out of her.

I can't believe, I really can't believe, that Tris could live in this room.

I sit down on her bed. I look at the grey desk sitting in the corner and notice a.....notebook sticking out? I walk over and snatch the book from its place. I quietly close the door to Tris' bedroom. I don't want her parents seeing this.

The first few pages are journal entries. Her first one is, I gasp, the day after my choosing ceremony.

Tobias, Marcus' son left. Everyone's saying this is betrayal, or that Tobias is a traitor. I really don't believe that. It's a choosing ceremony. You're not supposed to choose what others want. It's what you want.
Something about Marcus' sadness seems, hm, unreal. At the ceremony he was mad, then my father came over and he started crying. Seemed like an act to me. This is a sketch of what I think Tobias looks like.

I look at the sketch Tris made under her journal entry. It's beautiful. Not because it's a sketch of me. But, well, because I never knew she could draw!

I flip through more pages and see many more priceless sketches. I grab the book, and vow to bring it home with me.

I awake as soon as the sun starts to make its way up. The house is completely silent. Except I hear distinctly deep voice for a girl her size. Tris is awake.

I quietly walk out of the room and make my way down the battered old stairs. I look at my watch and see its
Once I'm at the bottom. I walk into the kitchen and Tris looks at me and gasps.

"Tris baby. I can't say sorry. Sorry is something you say when you step on someone's foot. Not, NOT when you," I have to stop for moment because tears are streaming down my face. "I never wanted to. I know that sounds so...so damn lame, and idiotic. But I was under a mind control sim. And I. I know you don't want to be anywhere near the monster I am. So I'll leave, I'll go to the factionless. I'll stay away from you forever."

Her eyes cloud over. "Oh Tobias," she says. "I could never ever allow you to, to, leave Dauntless-without me. I know because of how you are, what you've done for me, how you always say you love me. I know you'd never intentionally hurt me ever. Now-CAN WE PLEASE LEAVE?"

I smile, nod and Natalie gets the car. I quickly get the notebook. Natalie raises an eyebrow, but says nothing.

I slowly walk through the Dauntless compound, and soon we reach our quiet apartment. I lay her down in bed and kiss her small head.

I walk to find Max. We need to organize some new ways to make all these people safer. And Tris needs a therapist.

After my short meeting with Max, I head home.

Lynn and Marlene, and Max-?- are there.
"Four," Max says. "I think Seely needs a new home."

Whoo-hoo! I will be updating way more often. Do not worry! I'm sorry it's taken me so so long to update. I figure this chapter will be a make up for that.

I would like to talk about the whole, uh, voting and commenting thing. So for about 20 chapters maybe a few less, I was getting fantastic votes, and comments. And they've all gone down hill. Can we please bring them up again? I'm going to start updating for frequently.

Also, Tris and Tobias don't really have an age so it's going to be, hmmmm, 23 for Tris, and 25 for Tobias.

Question of the Chapter: Do you ship Romitri?
(Rose and Dimitri from Vampire Academy!) I totally do! They're my second favourite OTP!
Answer in the comments below, and don't forget to vote!
Shoutout to my new follower
Bye my beautiful 10s, and my Dauntless Fours!

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