Number 77

240 8 14

New cover!!! It'll be staying like this now guys:)

Month Four

Tris POV

I lay on the side of the couch, munching a bag of chips. I should be at work. But, I've been so cautious with holding a baby in me, that I'm worried stress from work will cause harm to my little person.

In about two hours, Tobias will be home, and we will be seeing the gender of my child. Last time, it was a week after I discovered of my pregnancy that I found the sex of my child; but Erudite found some issues with the device, and was forced to discontinue it. Still, there is some things that speed up the discovery.

Tobias and I fought long and hard about if we'd want to know the gender. He didn't want to. I did. I won. End of story. Never mess with a pregnant women.

There's a knock at the door, and I make my way over. I open the door, only to see Al, my attacker standing there. I instantly attempt to close the door, but he responds, "No, please Tris." And he stops me. I back as far away as possible, and think of a way to escape. "Get the fuck out," I say, trying to disguise my fear. He stares at me, unwilling to back down. "Tris, come on. Pregnant again? Be with me. I'll be the father of your baby, Four never has to know."

Is he serious? Really? He sighs and says, "I don't want to hurt you . . . "
"Then don't," I say quickly. He starts toward me and I scream as loud as possible. My throat burns, but I scream again. Al's eyes widen, and yet, he still continues forward.

Uriah lives next door. Surely, he must've hear me. Unless he's not home. "URIAH! URIAH!" I scream, and this time, I swear my throat is on fire. I hear a door slam. Someone's near! "HELP!" Al is a few feet away from me now, and I scream again. A confused looking Uriah appears at the door. He looks to me, then Al, and then charges forward. He grabs Al from behind, throwing him to the floor.

I run to the door, and look at Uriah. He has now knocked out Al, and is dragging him out the door.

Sadly, this seems regular. Uriah is always there when someone tries to attack. I'm grateful for that.

Minutes later Uriah appears at my door way. I walk to my couch, and bury my face in my hands--ashamed. "Well," he sighs. "In the infirmary. And Four should be home, soon." I frown and look up. "Really? He should be at work." Uriah smiles cheekily. "Yeah, well, he's coming home now!"

"I'm fine," I say. "a little shaken. But overall fine." Uriah shakes his head. "That asshole will be made factionless for sure now." A smile instantly appears on my face. Finally safe. "Really? That's wow!" My child and I will finally be safe.


I close my eyes, trying to get some sleep. Tobias is home, busying himself with phone calls, and paper work. In an hour we're to head out, and the thought makes it hard to sleep.

Just as darkness finally takes over, Tobias sits down by me, and shakes me awake. "Food?" He asks. Food! The idea of sleep is erased from my mind at the mention of food. "Yes!" I nearly scream. Tobias mutters something along the lines of "eating like a cow."

Moments later, he places in my hand, a big fat slice of Dauntless cake. Oh the glory. "Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!"

The next hour passes with me eating, talking, and kissing with Tobias. As I glance at the clock and see it reads 5:00 I jump up. "It's time."

Tobias smiles at me, and grabs my hand.


I lay on the cold table, waiting for my Doctor to walk in. Tobias sits beside me, holding my hand. "This is so different than last time," I giggle nervously. He just gives my hand a squeeze in return.

My Doctor walks in, and I notice she's the same one that tended to me after the swimming accident. "Hello there Tris, Four." She smiles at us. "I will be the Doctor, well your Doctor for the pregnancy. I work here everyday, eight until ten. So any questions or concerns? Come between those times."

I nod. Something about this women makes me smile. She's got her whole life planned out, and she's so certain. "Let's find out your baby gender shall we?" Tobias replies yes, before I get the chance. "Alright Mrs.Eaton, I'm going to need you to roll up your shirt to about the breast area." I do as she says--with help from Tobias. "Thank you," she smiles. "Now, I'm going to be applying some cold gel Mrs.Eaton, so it maybe shock you a little." I nod. What am I going to say. "No, find another way"?

As she applies the gelish cream, I realize she wasn't joking about the slight shock I feel. "Alright Eaton's, ready to see your baby?" She doesn't need a response to know our answer. She clicks a button, and the screen in the corner turns on, revealing my baby. She moves closer, taking a look. She turns to us, and gives us a kind smile. "Eaton's. You will be having

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