Number 73

238 10 7

The best!

Tobias POV

Tris has been staring at the screen of the test for what seems like hours . . . But must only be minutes. I wanted her to see first, it would only make sense. She has been clutching it, and the answer to the question in my mind hasn't become clear. "Tris," I say slowly. "Baby, are you okay?" She seems to snap out of her daze, and she looks at me.

Her eyes scream many things. Excitement, fear, sadness, longing. "Do we have a baby?" She stares at me a little longer for standing up, and twirling around. "Yes! We do!" My eyes widen and I stand up to. I grab her and spin her around. "Oh, hunny," I say, placing my lips against hers. "We have another chance . . . We'll do better!" She smiles and laughs, and tears brim her eyes. "We have a baby Tobias."
"I can't wait to him him or her in my arms," I sigh, thinking about our child's first smile, laugh, and cry.
"Nine more  months," Tris teases, causing a frown to take place.

"Nine months of hell," I mutter, remembering her past pregnancy. I shudder at the midnight trips for food, constant apologies and tears . . .
"Sorry, what was that?" She places her hands on her hips, and purses her lips at me. "Nothing, come on. Long days, need long nights of sleep."
>>Next Day>>
I walk hand in hand with Tris to the cafeteria, and Tris has the biggest smile spread across her face. I'm so, incredibly happy that she is okay with this. Okay with a baby. "You want to tell our friends?" I ask. I haven't brought it up yet, but I want to not wether or I can talk to people about this. "Yeah," she replies. "I think I'd say yes to anything right now!" I smirk and say, "Well, we'll see about that when we get home won't we?" She gulps, and a chuckle comes from me.

"Hey, you go sit with our friends. Tell em' the news? I'll get our food," I say. She looks up at me, passion swimming in her eyes, making me want to take her right now. "Okay," she says, going on her tip toes to kiss my cheek. As she walks away, I watch her blonde hair sway from side to side. It's nearly at her ass, and she hasn't thought of cutting it.

Tris POV

I sit down at the table beside Uriah, and across from me is Christina, Max, and Zeke. "Hey," Uriah says happily. "I'm happy your back with us." He gives me a warm smile. "I've got some news," I say, my voice a little hoarse. "Good . . . And bad." They all give me encouraging nods, and Uriah even goes as far as giving me a small hug. "Bad news first . . . The reason I haven't been here the past day and a half is . . . My father passed away." I suck in a sharp gulp, my eyes train down. They all tell me how sorry they are, and that it'll get better. Which it won't.

"And, for the good news?" Christina asks, surprising me. We haven't talked since she dissed Tobias and myself. "I'm pregnant." A huge smile I didn't know I could muster appears on my face. "What?!" Uriah stares at me, shock running through him. "Pregnant," I say to Uriah, my smile to evident. "I'm pregnant!" Many emotions play across his face, and I know why.

A few weeks ago he sort of confessed his feelings towards me. I guess they were sort of viewable before, but I didn't pay much attention to them. "That's amazing Tris," he gives me a big hug, making me smile. "I'm so . . . Happy for you." Oh, Uriah.

Just as he lets me go, Tobias sits next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and whispers in my ear, "Told them, did you?" I blush, and he smirks, knowing he got his answer. "Whispering dirty thoughts, are we Four?" Peter snickers from the table beside us.

Maybe it's the mood swings from the pregnancy, or maybe my hatred for him. But I have to ask, "Why do you hate me now than ever?" He looks at me, a hard expression implanted on his face. "You didn't save him." I give him a scowl and reply, "I fucking tried, Peter. He lived, and died! It isn't my fault." His eyes water with unshed tears. "You try losing your fiancé, and just moving on."

"Your what?!" Shauna exclaims, sitting beside Zeke. "Eric and I . . . He had just proposed days before. He came to my apartment and . . . You know." Sorrow, that's all I feel. A somber expression must take place on my face and Peter hisses, "I don't want your pity, stiff." That's enough for me to finger him, and turn to face my friends.

"Oh, joy!" Zeke exclaims with fake enthusiasm. "Pregnant Tris, is the best!" My eyes move into a squint formation, causing a giggle from Christina, and a chuckle from Tobias. "Little fucker," I mutter. I grab ahold of my drink, and without warning, I throw the contents all over him. The whole table bursts into laughter. And suddenly, everyone is grabbing food and throwing it at one another.

I laugh, and join. Soon, the whole cafeteria is in an all out food fight. Oh, I think happily. Things always change.

A/N: Okay! No update until I get four baby names at least(the more names the more chapters posted at once;)

I love you guys so much! And voting and commenting shows you love me, too!💟

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