Number 39

369 17 9

I <3 you always

Tobias POV

"What do you mean get Seely a new home?" My voice isn't cracking it's strong and now I'm in Four mode. "She is perfectly in well hands here," I say. "We care for her. And love her." Max is no longer frowning he's looking more sad than anything. "Four," he sighs. "I don't doubt any of that. I just think you and Tris would live a better life. Of course you can still see her, and visit and whatno-"

He's cut off when I say, "Who will take care of her?"
I look over at Lynn and Marlene who suddenly seem uncomfortable.
No. No. No. No. No.

How could they do this? How could they take our child? I thought we were friends.

"Lynn, Marlene." Max says quietly and walks out.

"How dare you!" I yell. "Tris and I have let you see her, and care for her! I told everyone to stop bullying you and calling you a whore because you are gay! I've done everything I can for you guys and your repay me by taking our CHILD! I hope you go to hell."

Lynn rolls her eyes and so does Marlene. "Your worse than Erik," I spit. "At least Erik didn't take Seely. Only a true demon would take someone's child from them and, and, show no mercy."

They walk out like what I said doesn't faze them. There's a brief moment where I consider, terrible, terrible things. But I decide not to allow my self to become my father.

"It's for the best." I hear the love of my life say. I turn around and she's smiling. How can she be smiling?
"Tobias," she says. "Who were we kidding? Damn, we weren't ready to be parents I gave birth at 18. I still love her and I always will. We stopped living our life when Seely was born. Maybe we can live ours again. And we are starting by taking me to the hospital."

It makes sense what she's saying. I stopped being me. Having Seely in my life will always be one of the best things that ever happened to me. But, I can start my life again. With, or without Seely.

I help Tris get dressed but her intimacy fear is at the worst it's ever been so I do very little.
Tris gets her shots properly bandaged. They have a healing salve to help her. But really, I think we just need to rid our memory of what's happened in the past days.

Tris POV
My stomach arm and leg are numb.
Numb. Numb. Numb. Numb.

Tobias makes me salad and hands me a warm cup of tea. The warm liquid burns my throat. I feel like it's burning away the events of the last week. The salad is tangy and delicious. The dried bread crunches beneath my teeth and that's when my numbing turns into white hot pain.

I double over in pain and I can't breathe.
I really can't breathe. Tobias walks out from the bedroom. He sees me and runs across our tiled floor. My vision is blurred. He stops me from chocking and picks me up and lays me on his lap.

"Numbing gone," I mutter. He lifts me again and places me beside him on the couch. He quickly walks over to the cabinet and grabs 2 pills and a glass of water. I take them both down quickly and stay in my fatal position.

"This is all my fault," he murmurs. "I should've told you about her. I should've told you about how she came to the hospital when you were there. I should've protected you better and fought off the sim!" His face is red from anguish. I push myself off trying to wipe the look of pain off my face so he doesn't worry.

I put my pale skinny hand on his shoulder.
"It's not your fault." He scoffs clearly irritated.
"How can you be so delusional? 'It's not your fault.' Yeah right. Who's fault is it then?" The answer hits me hard. Ours.
"It's our fault. We are one. So, therefor it's our fault. No matter what happens to each other. I will always love you." He smiles.

"Oh Tris. I love you. More then anything."

"Yep I know. But remember it's our fault unless it's not."

He smiles and says he loves me.

I really believe him. Because he loves me. And I love him. And that's all I can think of.

I know I lost Seely. But so many good things can come out of this one bad thing.
Because I know-We can be mended. We mend each other.

Because we are all broken. We are born broken. And all hated. And adored. And envied.
But that's what makes us human.

A/N: You are welcome. I figured since I have OVER 2 thousand views I should give you guys 2 chapters in one day. I've spent hours editing and writing and I'm going to be updating one shots, and looking for Alaska today to. Expect another update for this tomorrow.

Question of the chapter:
Do you want me to do 20 facts for 2K?
I really want to, but let me know if YOU *10s and Fours* want!

Thanks so much! Ba-Bye!

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