Number 64

241 10 3

My safe haven

Tobias POV

A groan escapes my lips as I realize I have to work today. The past week, had been spent with Tris, most of it involved kissing, or full on makeout sessions, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Sometime within the time I was gone, Tris has overcome her fear of sex.

"Mmm," Tris says. "Initiates. Another batch of girls to flaunt themselves at you." Oh Tris. I wish she would realize she was the only one for me.

Yes, Tris has a new vote of confidence, but an equal amount of fear came with it.

"Yeah," I say, and I look over at her just in time to see her face drop. "And fortunately, my initiate has already passed." I move myself into a position where I'm looming over her, my face inches from hers. Oh her beautiful blue and gray orbs.

"I love you my first jumper," I whisper, continuing on to press my lips to hers. My hands move down to squeeze her ass. A moan comes from Tris' mouth, and a chuckle comes from mine.

"Nothin' but sexual tension," I smirk, rolling over. Her small hands slap across my bare chest, and a triumphant smile spreads across her face.

I roll my eyes, and decide that I need to look fierce today. After all, I have a load of initiates to scare the shit out of.
Tris POV

I smile, as I put on my recently bought bra. My breasts have grown a lot since Seely was born. Two sizes! I look in the long mirror, and I barely recognize myself. When I came to dauntless, nearly ten years ago, I was a skinny, pale, flat-chested girl from Abnegation. Now, none of that girl is left.

I am fairly muscular, but luckily not to the point of seeming manly. Curves have appeared at my hips, and my boobs have grown. I am actually a little tanned! Instead of being a ghostly white, I am now more. . .less pale.

Still, my height hasn't changed. I am a small 5'4", and Tobias is probably six feet. And, although my breast have grown, they aren't as big as the dauntless beauty's. . .

A sound of footsteps break me from my daze, and I turn to see Tobias standing behind me, a loving smile on his face. Oh.

"My dauntless girl," he murmurs, stepping in front of me. His arms incase my waist, and I suddenly feel self conscious. Although I am no longer afraid of sex, I am not comfortable with nudity yet, or me just being in a bra and shorts in front of Tobias.

"Don't shy away," he murmurs huskily in my ear. "I love you just the way you are."
I hear loud bubbly laughter coming from the area beside the net, where I now know Christina is. Be aware!

As we get closer I move closer to Tobias as I see Uriah in view. During the fight near the chasm Uriah expressed feelings toward me I was oblivious he had.

"Tris," Christina says, her good mood fading. "Still with the dog I see." I feel anger build inside me, and it takes every ounce of self control I have to contain it.


"Is completely and utterly retarded," Uriah interrupts me. "Because, if she really was your friend, she would be happy for you."

I smile gratefully at Uriah. Maybe I misread his feelings, maybe he has no interest me at all. Maybe I took it all wrong.

A slow growl comes from Christina's mouth, just as the first initiate falls.
6 Candor, 9 Erudite, and 3 Amity. Eighteen initiates in all.

"Listen up," I shout, yelling over the chaos. "I am Tris, and this is Four. But, during training you will address me as coach. Clear?" I pause, waiting for any snarky remarks, and instead I listen to a chorus of Okay's.

"Anyway," I continue. "2 weeks of physical training, mainly lead by Four. 2 weeks of fear induced simulations, and one week of free time in between!"

"Tomorrow is when we start," Tobias, or rather Four shouts. "We will now show you around a little, and then at the end Tris will be giving a little speech. Are we clear weaklings?"

"Yes!" They all chorus back.
"Here is the chasm," I say, trying to keep my cool. "You know how dauntless are brave? Well this here--"I pause pointing the seemingly black water, that will end your life."--Is the line between bravery, and idiocy! Do not cross that line."

I walk towards the cafeteria and continue, "About a week ago a Dauntless member fell, during a fight. Don't make the same mistake as him." I feel my breath hitching, and know I'm slipping up.

"Um," Tobias cuts in. "Anyway, this is where you will eat. But, because the ceremony was three hours early, it's only 2:00. You have four hours until eating time! However-if you are hungry, you can use your points to purchase food. You each have two hundred points to spend!"

I lead them out of the cafeteria, and to there dorms.
"Okay," I say as everyone sits on a bed. "I want you all to know for starters that violence, unless it's in training, towards any of your initiates will result in immediate punishment.

"Continuing on! I want you all to know that you don't have to hate each other," I say. "I know on the way here Four explained the ranking situation--" I pause to look at Tobias, and then my eyes lock with Christina's as I continue. "--But you are all in this together! Here, you will all find your bestfriends. You'll find a safe haven. If you're lucky, I won't always be your instructor. Someday I might be your friend."

I look at the eighteen initiates. One named Mandy puts her hand up and says, "I was Erudite. And now I'm Dauntless. Do I have a chance?" I look at her and nod.

"All of you have a chance."
"UGH," I groan as I flop my body onto the bed. "I missed you bed."

Tobias comes in chuckling. "Hey baby," he says. "Want to get dinner?" I groan, but nod anyway.

I've been worrying about dinner with the initiates. I feel I brought forth to much emotion. "Are we hiding our relationship," I murmur as anxiety builds in my chest.

Not being with Tobias for two weeks killed me, broke me-for real this time. And it was odd, feeling something in me snap, and then when he kissed me, I felt myself slowly starting to mend.

I worry if we pretend to be just friends, that someone will get the wrong idea, and try to take him from me.

I stand up and Tobias outstretches his arms to me, probably knowing how I'm feeling. "We'll see. How 'bout we do for a bit, eh?," he whispers in my ear. I nod, the anxiety in my chest ever slowly fading.

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