Number 71

220 12 0

Bloody Roses

Tris POV

My legs dangle over the edge of the train, and my hands clutch the bouquet of roses I brought to put on dad's grave.

Tobias stands behind me, and I can tell he's silently observing me. "What's up," I say, my voice dry. I don't sound like myself.
"Nothing," replies and walks to the back of the train.

Last night, I couldn't move from my spot in the bathroom. Tobias picked me up, and held me in bed. His shirt was soaked with my tears, and he said he didn't mind.

I stand up, careful not to fall and walk over to Tobias. I carefully place the roses on the wooden crate, and then move to stand in front of him. I press my head into his chest, my arms locking around his neck. "I love you," I murmur. Looking up into his dark blue orbs, I feel my stomach swirl.
"I love you to baby," he says, pressing his lips to my head. "Are you okay?"

"No," I reply, the dry tone in my voice coming back. "But I will be, I'll heal. I have an amazing man, who will help me."

"Mm, and who's that?" I smirk up at him and mouth the word 'you.' He grabs my waist, which always seems to be his target, and lifts me up, so my legs are around his waist.

"It better be me," he says, his voice husky.
"Only you," I smile.
As I see the dull, grey, houses I know we are nearing Abnegation. I feel sorrow rise in my chest, and I just want to run home and curl into a ball. "Ready?" Tobias asks, grabbing my hand. "Ready." He releases my hand, steps back, and jumps. He's so graceful, but I suppose he would be after over a decade of being in Dauntless. I take at least four steps back, and run. I find my self flying through the air, and when I land it's not so graceful. The roses nearly fall from my hands, and I trip over my own feet.

Tobias doesn't laugh, like I'd expect. He gives me a warm smile, and extends his hand for me once again to take.

Looking at the old cracked roads, and the dull scent of stale bread flooding the air, makes me want to run away again. But I can't. Because my mom would want me here. Because I owe this to my dad. I see ahead, a little sector set up. And I see my other standing there, surrounded by grieving people. I quicken my pace wanting to get to her. When she notices me her eyes widen, and become sadder.

I run into my mothers arms, just as the tears start to form. "My beautiful baby girl," she murmurs. "How strong you've become." I pull away, and reply, "Momma . . . I'm not strong. Look at me. I'm not selfless anymore." It didn't mean to come out hoarse and choked.

"Come one Beatrice," she looks toward Tobias who has mournful eyes. "You to, Tobias. Your father is here, perhaps you'd like to see him?" Tobias stiffens, and I close my eyes, praying for him to calm the hell down. "Perhaps," he says, warmly. "It'd be better if I stayed with Tris." My mother gives him a smile and replies, "Don't be silly, Tobias! Even though this circumstance is . . . Terrible, doesn't mean you can't make the best of it! Go see your father." My mother is so kind, and I wish she knew how much I appreciate her trying. But this won't be good.

"Oh," Tobias says. "Tris, I should put those inside for you, hey? Then I'll go see Marcus--I mean my dad."

"Y-yes," I say, trying to conceal the panic in my tone. "You do that Tobias."

My mother and I head off, leaving Tobias alone. "So," she says. "You may be wondering how . . . How Andrew died . . . "

"Oh momma," I say, my eyes watering again. "You don't have to." She nods, but proceeds to tell me anyway.

"I came home from helping the factionless," she says, tears brimming her own eyes. "And when I entered the family room, he was . . . Just laying there. Groaning and moaning. I went to help him.

"And when he tried to stand up, he fell. He hit the floor, but first his head smashed against the corner edge of the wall. Blood instantly starting pooling, I ran to him . . . And it was already to late, Beatrice."

"Does Caleb know? Is he here?" She nods at me. And I can see she doesn't want to say more.

"I want," she says slowly. "For you to maybe come inside? We only have about twelve Abnegation here, Tobias, Caleb, and you here. Maybe you'd like a glass of tea?" I nod and say, "So, what're we doing for the funeral mother?"

"Actually, he was cremated," she says it with so much fury behind her words. "The Abnegation don't allow bodies to be buried." Oh. "Okay momma, let's go home."

I love you guys so much! And voting and commenting means you guys love me, too!💟

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