Number 56

283 8 4

Peter, the monster

Tobias POV

I groan when I hear a sudden knock at the door. I look at the old clock beside me and see that it's 6:00 am. What the fucking hell? Who would knock on our door this early.

I slowly stand up, not wanting to awaken Tris. Last night, she showed something that seemed to surreal to be true. She allowed herself to become one with me, even if it was for a short period of time.

When I reach the door I see a man with an evil history, and Peter for a name. My eyes scan him, and I try to detect wether or not I'll have to use a gun this morning. "What do you want?" My voice is calm, and even, the way I prefer to keep it when I'm in an uncomfortable situation.

"Well, uh, you see. Eric's back," Peter says with his eyes trained on the floor. "And Max is trying to find a way for him to leave the compound. Again. And I was just wondering if you could stop him." I stare at Peter, as shock runs through my body.

I suppose it would only be a matter of time before Eric tried coming up with ideas to benefit himself. "Fucking no. Why would you ask anyway?" I notice Peter shifting his feet uncomfortably, and I start to wonder if Eric didn't set him up for this.

"Well," he says, his voice uneven. "Yesterday night Eric went out for a couple drinks. It was And we didn't even realize it until we kissed. I don't think I could bare it if he left now."

I try my very best, to not burst into laughter, or vomit. Maybe both. "You think," I say having to pause because of laughing. "That I'd help a murderer, and someone who on multiple occasions tried to kill my wife? I knew you were delusional but this is a bit much."

I see Peter change in front of my eyes, from a nervous wreck to a monster. He growls and tries to punch me. I dodge his punch and push him out of my way. I step outside and close the door, and lock it.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I want Eric to stay. I've always wondered why I could never connect with anyone, any girls. It's because I'm into guys."

"It's funny you know," I hiss. "You've ruined so many people. And you think I'll help you ruin more."

"God, Four. You still love that piece of Abnegation shit," I hear a sickening voice say from behind me. "I thought you would've left her by now. She'd be safer. We could just keep this fight between you and me. Leave her out of it completely."

Could I do that? Leave her? I couldn't though. I love her more then life itself. How do you leave someone that makes you melt.

But she'd be left out of this. She'd be safer, and wouldn't have to worry about how Eric is here, so close to her. She could be happy, and maybe even Al could re-kindle his feelings for her.

But that's plan b, plan a is first. And that's to protect her while being with her.

"No," I say. "I'm not leaving her. But you can leave. And I don't care if you and Peter want to go be happy. Eric, believe me when I say, you will be rid from this world forever. Soon."

"And believe me Four. I've already told you. I've learned to live with the blood on my hands. Can you?"

As an immediate response I punch him square in the jaw. He stumbles, and falls. Peter instantly runs to his aid, and I can't help what I say next.

"Isn't it funny? Heh, you and Eric the two most evil people I've ever met, happen to fall in love with each other."
"They what," exclaims Christina. I told all our friends about Eric and Peter.
"Huh," Uriah says. I give him a confused look and he says, "Well Mar, I mean Marlene, and Lynn took your kid, and they, um, like the same gender. And Peter and Eric are really just evil and they like....the same gender."

I can't help but feel a surge of sympathy towards Uriah. He seriously thought that Marlene liked him. But after the rankings she had run to Lynn, instead of him, and kissed her. I remember seeing Uriah having a look of pure sadness cross over his face.

I nod, not knowing what else to say.
After we all finish eating we agree to meet at Uri's at 7:00 to hang out, and spend the night.

Tris stays close to my side and when we arrive home we both sit on the couch, and cuddle. "Are you sore?" I ask her, genuinely curious. I hope she isn't to bad.

She nods and says, "It was all worth it though. I love you to much, and love is painful isn't it?" When she asks the question, I can't help but agree with her.

With everything we've been through, we'd be insane to think that loving someone is easy.

But the rest of the afternoon I can't help but think of taking a step away from Tris. I want to keep her safe, and who knows. That may be the only way.

A/N: Holy SHIT! I have the rest of the next chapters planned out. I haven't written them yet though😂
I know some of you are like, "What the hell? Peter and Eric?" I actually didn't think of this. This was Fandomsarcasm

This was her idea, and I just made some adjustments. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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