Number 51

270 13 1


Tobias POV

I grab Tris' wrist and yank her closer to me. I see her little hands shaking and she clings to my shirt. I look towards Max who has Christina at his side.

As Eric nears I realize that there's the most evil grin in the world on his face. As he nears us he slows his pace.

Tris can't go through this, not so soon. I can't either. Being like this, being scared of everything, is wrong. It shouldn't be how we have to live our lives. We're Dauntless! We should be climbing the pit wall, daring each other to do crazy stunts. Not holding onto our wife's as if letting go would mean certain death.

"My, my," Eric says. "Tris don't you look, sexy today. I love the way your sweet little lips tremble. I can still remember the taste of apples on your lips. You were amazing baby." I growl at Eric.

"Stay the hell away from her," I hiss. "Don't even for a second, think she enjoyed you nearly raping her, and forcing her lips onto yours!

"Eric, someday I swear, you'll live to regret everything you did."

A malice grin appears on his face and he says, "Well, I'll be on my way then. Oh! And Four, if by, 'regret' you mean kill me, you should remember this: I've found a way to live with the blood on my hands. Can you?"
It's been 5 minutes since Eric's left and none of use have said anything. Tris has let go of my shirt and is now with her back against the wall. She doesn't look human, she looks like....something else.

Christina is clutching Max like she did with the railing over the chasm. Tears are streaming down her face and I can't help but be irritated. Eric didn't even touch Christina. Yes, he startled her, and threatened her. But really? Seriously? Does she know what Eric has done to Tris?

I hear a ragged breath from a certain beautiful girl and when I turn to see her I have to look down to meet her face because she's now sitting on the floor with her eyes glassed over.

The last time I saw her like this it was when Seely had to go to the hospital, and Tris came out of reality. Now my worry isn't stretched between two people but only focused upon Tris.

I wonder if she's still in the same world I am, or if she's left me altogether.

"Tris," Christina screeches. "Oh my God. What's wrong with her."

"Christina," I say, trying to hide my annoyance. "Please, just be quiet for a moment." Max looks at me kindly and I squat down to Tris.

I place my hand on her cheek. "Baby," I coo. "He's gone. He'll never, ever, touch you again. Please baby, come stand with me."

Her eyes meet mine and she nods. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. I guess we both needed to feel the warmth of the other.

"Four man," Max calls. "Want a drink?" I nod, knowing I need one.

"Are you sure the girls are okay?"

"Trust me, they are. Shauna, is there to, and there's a security camera so if Eric enters the room it sounds an alarm so fucking loud. I had specially placed in."

I shake my head in wonder at Max. Out of pure curiosity I ask, "Who do you think the new head boss/leader will be? Once you retire?" He points a warm black finger towards me.

Oh, did NOT see that coming. "Wow," I say. "Really?"

"You have the most potential out of all of them. Seriously. And, I think Christina would be fucking pissed if I picked Peter."

Only a few weeks before Eric arrived Peter applied for leader in training. Rumor has it that he changed, I'll believe it as soon as I see it.

Tris POV

"Come on Tris," Christina giggles while taking another sip of wine. "Tell us. How fucking great is Four at french? And not the language."

Tomato redness instantly creeps into my cheeks as I respond, "We've only had sex, or fooled around once, and that's when I got pregnant. We never got a chance after. Plus-my fear has become worse."

She looks at me and I see pity in her eyes. "Hey," I say wanting to change the subject from my sex life. "How's Max at fingering you?"

"Ew! Ew! Ew! That's disgusting so spill," Shauna says.

"He's fucking amazing. We have a schedule," she says. Oh-no. She's going to tell us it. "Fingering are on Mondays, real fucking on Thursdays, and anal sex on Sunday mornings."

Oh my God. I can't believe I just heard about a sex calendar from my bestfriend. Another thing that will change me for life.

A/N: Heyy! So thank you for all the support! We are almost at 6k reads:)

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