Number 32

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What is wrong with Tris?! Okay, wait, it's not her fault she's an Abnegation who's scared of intimacy. It's Fours. That little- I run off a list of things in my head. He changed her. She's different......
The though hits me square in the chest. She hasn't changed. I have. I liked her, for a while. The day ironically I found out who she was, was the day Erik tried to throw knifes at my head.

No Tris no! You can't! Why aren't I saying these words aloud. I cry myself to sleep and I'm letting my crush, and a little girl from Abnegation, take my place. Four looks hurt by what he's doing. Why? When he tells her to keep her eyes on him it clicks. He likes her. Ew.
When he throws again it hits her ear. I gaps inwardly. How could he? He hurt her. That's-that's-that's-the perfect thing to do! If he kept throwing Erik would've gotten further involved.
She's beautiful. Not physically. But in every other way.
End of flash back.
She's made me a better person, and then I changed again. And I have to change back to be friends with Tris. If that's all she wants. That's all I'll be.

Will POV
I rap my arms around this Dauntless beauty. I've changed from a nose, to a guy who hooks up with different girls. At least 3, no 4, wait, oh I don't know-girls a week. Christina kept me to grounded. Being with just one girl is to hard. But that doesn't mean I don't ache for her.

It's 50/50, one part of me yearns for Christina. The other likes being with other girls.
Maybe if I talk with Christina, I'll find who I really am. Wow.

I watch Will whisper in the 3rd girls ear today. Ew. I can't believe Erik got kicked out of Dauntless. He was awesome! And, he promised me leadership. With him gone, my chances are gone. I keep seeing Tris turn down job opportunities. Like, what the hell?! Someone needs to slap that girl over the face and bring her back to reality. Just because Erik beat her and all that doesn't mean she has the fricken right to space off!!

Molly POV
Factionless surround me. Just like everyday. I've gotten sick countless times, but this one is worse. Evelyn said it could be life threatening. Evelyn. Tobias Eaton's mother. Tobias Eaton is Four. I knew there was something disgusting about him. Next thing you know stiffs will be ruling the factions. Oh, wait! Legendary Four already is. And what's more? I've got Erik here to now. Yay! He keeps hitting on me and if he continues I'm going to hurl.


My footsteps slow when I near Will. His head whips around and his lips form my name. Suddenly, they're forming something else. My lips. I let myself fall for him again. Part of me expects what's coming, but that doesn't mean I planned it. He pulls away and my face must show what I'm feeling. "Uh, sorry to lead you on. It isn't gonna work out Chris. Hope we are still friends," he says. Still friends. Eff that!

But still; Will has made me who I am. In a weird, creepy way.....
I'm a girl who's stupid enough to fall for the same guy twice, to shy, but to honest. And I love it.

Tris POV

I cradle Seely in my arms. My poor baby. Suddenly she looks up at me with alarmed eyes. I start to breathe heavier. Then her eyes roll back into her head. "Tobias! Tobias" I scream as loud as possible before he's even in the room I'm running for the hospital. Not the infirmary. I don't get far before Tobias is by my side. Seely is getting heavy and I start to slow down. Tobias grabs her and continues sprinting. My baby. My baby.

A/N: So, I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO SO sorry I haven't updated in a while. And I really wanted to do a huge chapter on Saturday but I'm going camping. I owe you guys for not doing a lot of chapters lately. I've had HUGE writers block. I'm not even gonna talk about Seely. You have to wait and see. Okay, and I think this is a pretty good filler! DONT FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY ONE SHOT FANFIC!!!!!!!'

Last weeks question: How can I make this Fanfic appeal more to you?
I got no reply so I'm going to make some rules:
•I need at least 1 comment, and 2 votes to update.
•There will be(starting Monday)2 chapters up per week. Maybe more if I get good responses.
•This is staying strictly in Tobias POV, with obviously Tris 1 a chapter.

That's it!
This chapters question: Who is your favorite singer?

My answer will be in the next chapter!
Bye my Fourtastic 10s, and my Tristastic Fours!!!!

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