Number 38

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Here is a preview of the next chapter.

Tris POV

You know, seeing someone you love, in the midst of a disaster, is really, the best gift you can ever receive.

Tobias walks through my cell door and I shoot up instantly I'm about to run into his arms. Suddenly, I realize his eyes are glazed over and he isn't smiling. He isn't showing any emotion.

A smirking Evelyn enters. "Hello Beatrice," she hisses. "My son here, has been very willing-of course with some help-to be with me, stand by my withered side, and help me." Something inside me breaks in half. "H-how?" I stutter out.

She blabs on, about simulations, but I lose interest, and consciousness.

Tobias POV

Evelyn is speaking to this blond girl. I wonder who she is?

Eventually I look over and meet eyes with the blond one. Her knees fall towards the floor and her eyes plead with me. I feel some sense to reach out to her, to help her. To....kiss her?
But something in my mind forbids me to. It doesn't feel.....right. I look at Evelyn and she whispers what to do in my ear. "Tris," I say, trying the familiar word on my tongue. "So, I've recently been told. 2 can keep a secret if one of them is dead. So, if there's 4 of us, 2 die. Make sense? Evelyn and I live, you and whoever else help die."

A/N: So, this isn't a chapter it's more of a.....preview. Anyway, it's gonna take me while to write the next chapter because so much is gonna happen. Also, I still need another vote for the last chapter anyway. Hold onto your seat belts. Because things are gettin a little crazy now.

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