Number 17

857 31 4

Try to be a better husband!

Tobias POV

What.The.Major.Eff! What happened?!
All I can think about is Tris. I know Seely is safe that's fine. But Tris. I'm sitting on the couch with Tris sobbing into my shoulder. Why was Al here? Never mind Al, what about Why Tris was here! "Tobias." Tris says.
"What?" I reply, with a harsh tone. I don't know if I'm mad at her, or if I'm just mad in general. I place my hand where I usually put it when we sit together: Her stomach. Tris flinches away.

My eyes widen. I stare at Christina. She glares at me. Oh God. Oh! Tris is pregnant! I should've been more supportive! "Tobias. I was pregnant." Tris sounds like it takes all her strength to say that.

I hang onto the word, 'was'.
She was pregnant? She got our child killed. I push her off me and she tumbles to the floor. She cringes in pain as I realize what I just did. She sees it, too.

"Listen Four! I'm sick and tired-literally-of you getting mad about everything. You've looked down on me since Seely was born! And I'm sick of it! I know what you were thinking. You thought I killed our child! I didn't. He died. Peter attacked me and he died." The last sentence is a whisper.

I walk over to her and she moves away and shakes her head. I can't believe I've hurt her. I pushed her. I took the tower of trust, in myself, and the trust she had for me; and made it come crashing down. Christina looks at me with her eyes full of horror. She gives me a look. A one to say, 'you will talk to me later'

"Tris. Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you. I thought you killed our child because you weren't ready for another." Tris looks up at me and shakes her head. "Tob-Four, I understand. But I can't believe you thought I'd do that," Tris says.
"I'm sorry Tris." A look of anger comes across her face. What did I do?
"Do you think sorry will fix this! I don't care about what you've done I care about what I've done! I cry in front of Seely-daily! I need some time alone okay?" Tris says.

"Ya Christina! Get me some pizza!" Will says in a slurred voice. We all turn to him and see what's in his hand. Peace Serum. I cringe. "Oh-no." I say. Christina loses it. "Get out Four! Just-Just leave for now! Okay? I'll call Mar and Lynn. Seely can stay over night. You need to go cool down. And try to be a better husband. You haven't gone through this type of depression. Tris will be staying here. Hopefully we'll see you tomorrow." Christina screams half way through her speech, but calms her self down slowly.

I don't why, but I feel like I'm being put on a time out.

I don't have time to argue so I just leave.

I mutter a small, "bye" before I go.

A/N: Wow! Lots of dialogue! Sorry this chapter was hectic. I'm leavin' you on a bit of a cliff hanger.
Funny story:
I'm outside working in the hall with my friends. Then my iPod goes off telling me that I got a message on Wattpad. I go onto Wattpad to respond right as our principle walks by. He tells me I need to work and takes me iPod away! I go to the office at the end of school. And he says-and I quote, "Your story is quite nice. Except, what does, 'hooked up man' mean?" I burst into laughter and walked out with my iPod. But he read my story! Crap.....
Lolz. Weirdest day ever.
Please please read my other book called, "My Story"
Shout out Time:
FandomGirlx (she's my newest follower)
And of course-!!!!!!Duh!!!-All my 10s and Fours!

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