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It was a warm Sunday, with most of the gang gathered around the Curtis house. Dally was out doin who knows what.

We were either watching TV, playing cards, or reading a book and what not.

I'd been around here a while and I thought to go hunt some action or somethin' through town.

"Alright, i'm gonna go head out, go through town or somethin." I said heading towards the door.

"Want me to walk with you? Don't wanna be goin' by yourself, do you?" Two-Bit asked.

I didn't answer.

"At least take a switch. And you be careful." Darry sighed handing me his.

"Yeah alright. See y'all around." I waved.

I put on my white hightop converse and headed out the door.

I started down the street and didn't even get far from the house until I saw a blue mustang in the distance, coming my way.

You gotta be kiddin me, I thought.

I pretended I didn't see them and kept on walking. I was forced to stop in my tracks, when the mustang stopped and about four or five Socs climbed out of the car.

"What's a pretty broad doin' walkin' on her own?" The big one snarled.

I decided to ignore them and kept walking.

"Why don't you come back with us, baby?" Another one snickered.

"Not a chance." I mumbled snobbishly as I kept walking.

"Well, we'll just drag you there ourselves."

Next thing I knew, one of them slammed into me, knocking me on the ground. I hit my head and back real hard, knocking my breath out.

The Soc that jumped on me stayed ontop me, with his knees against my elbows, pinning me down. Another one held my legs down real hard to where I couldn't even squirm.

The one on top of me started to lean his face closer to mine. He tried to kiss me but I quickly whipped my head away.

"Ah, hard to get?" He laughed. He then hit me across the face, real hard. I felt it sting.

One of the others Socs took out their switch blade and traced my jawline with it as they all laughed. He then glided it across my neck.

The same one tried to kiss me, once again but I only kept moving my head.

The one with the switch stabbed it into my arm, as the one on top me started to unzip my leather jacket slowly.

"You sure you don't wanna come back with us?" He asked again with a smirk.

"Beat it." I hissed.

I couldn't think of anything to say to them so I spat in his face. A look of anger grew on his face and the others stuck a rag in my mouth, muffling my voice and shutting up my screams.

I tried to squirm free, knowing there was no point, until I felt a sharp pain through my arm. I glanced down and saw that the one with the switch had stabbed me.

Coulda' be worse. They all got closer to me and began hitting me across the face more and in the ribs. Knowing there was nothing I could do, it was awful.

They started shouting names at me, such as "Grease" and some other stuff I couldn't exactly make out since they were all talking at once.

He hit me again on the face, but this time it was so hard, I hit my head hit the hard ground over and over as I tried to escape. I noticed the world around me starting to get blurry.

I had to think fast before they did anything else to me. I managed to kick their grip off my feet.

Since he had his knees over my elbows, it was harder, but I brought my lower arms up and was able to punch him hard enough in the rib, he backed off. I'm shocked that actually worked.

Their grip loosened enough for me to break free so I took the opportunity. I felt light headed, but still managed to stand up. I pulled out my switch and held it, real close, to one of their necks.

My vision was getting blurrier by the second, I had to hope I was even holding it to his neck.

I was about to threaten him when I heard loud footsteps and shouting coming from a distance. I turned my head and saw it was the gang, coming towards us.

I heard loud swearing towards the Socs that sounded like Two-bit. I then heard the others voices too, yelling names at the Socs.

The gang eventually reached us, and began fighting with them.

Then before I knew it, I felt my knees collapse. I fell to the ground and my eyes started blacking out.

I saw a figure standing over me. I couldn't make out who it was since I was half out of it with my vision still blurry and my head spinning. My eyes began to close and I couldn't bring myself to open them.


I then heard muffled voices around me. I couldn't make out exactly who it was, but it sounded like the gang. I fluttered my eyes open to see myself lying on the couch with the gang surrounding me. Ponyboy turned his head towards me.

"Oh, you're awake!" He beamed with smile.

The rest of the gang turned their attention to me. I noticed a few small cuts and bruises around my arms and legs. A bandage was wrapped around my arm.

I'm guessing I got a deep cut there since that's where I felt the most pain. I could also feel some cuts on my face.

"What'd I miss?" I asked, still super confused.

"You were out of it for about four hours. Seems like you may have a concussion." Darry said.

"I don't have time for this." I muttered.

I sat up on the couch and started to stand up to leave, but Darry pressed his hands against my shoulders, laying me back down.

"You needa lie down for a while." Darry assured in a clam voice.

"You got sliced in the arm pretty bad." Two-Bit said.

"That'll leave a pretty cool scar, though, huh?" Steve chuckled.

"Thank you all for comin' to get me." I smiled.

"Don't sweat it, kid. Just don't be goin' off by yourself." Soda stated.

"Noted." I laughed at myself.

"Glad you're alright." Pony whispered softly.

I gave him a sweet smile back.

"Why don't we go home for the night since you're awake now." Dally suggested.

I didn't see him standing there and I almost jumped out of my skin when he spoke. I guess the gang called him over since he wasn't here earlier.

I nodded my head in agreement and we headed for the door. Everyone else decided to head home as well. We waved goodbye to everyone, got in Dally's car and drove off.

The ride home was quiet, and I could tell by his face he was mad. Mad at me for being stupid, but felt bad so he didn't scold me or anything. He did lecture me a little though.

"I can't believe you thought it was a good idea to go on your own. Thought you knew that by now."

"I would've gotten jumped anyways."

"And by the way." He paused for a moment. "Did they try to..." Dally then trailed off.

I slightly nodded my head and I saw by Dally's face he was immediately filled with rage. Not by me but for the Socs.

"I won't go alone again." He was satisfied with that.

We pulled into the parking lot of Buck's, and Dally held onto me while getting though the party crowd of the downstairs bar to get to our room. As soon as we got there I immediately went straight to bed.

Although I had been passed out for four hours, I had no trouble falling asleep. I was worn out.

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