Easy Does it

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Rylie pov:

I sat in my bedroom listening to Emma tell me about the things Pony said to her one day.

"You really love him, huh?" I laughed.

"I really do."

She came up behind me after I sprayed my hair and combed my curls. She wrapped her arms around me into a hug.

"You look beautiful." She gave a sweet smiled.

I went to my closet and pulled out the dress Soda had gotten me for Christmas. I slipped the dress on and Emmas jaw dropped. I pulled the white heels out from the closet and put them on my feet covered with beige color pantyhose.

I looked in the mirror one last time before I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door to Sodapop in a gray tux and black dress shoes. He kissed me on the cheek.

"You look absolutely stunning, Princess" I felt myself blushing.

We walked to the car which was Steve's mustang. He hooked Soda up with it for the night. He opened the door for me and closed it once I was in.

Emma started walking back to the Curtis's house. Soda slipped his hand up my dress and onto my inner thigh.

"You know how lucky I am to have such a beautiful Fiancé?"

He rubbed my thigh with his thumb while we drove. We arrived at a restaurant on the south side of town. He took the keys out of the car and ran across to open my door for me and help me out.

He held my hand as we walked into the restaurant and got seated. The waiter came to our table to serve us.

"Can I start you off with anything to drink or anything to start?"

"I'll have a water." Soda replied

"I'll have water as well." I answered.

"Also, can we get some spinach dip and chips to start?"

"It will be out shortly."

Soda lifted my hand off the table and lightly kissed it. The waiter came back out with our drinks.

"The spinach dip is almost ready. Are you all ready to order?"

"Yes sir. I will do a 8 oz sirloin streak, medium well, and a baked potato with just sour cream." I looked at Soda waiting for him to order.

"I will do that same as her, but a salad with a thousand islands dressing instead of the potato."

"I will have that right out."

We waited patiently and ate our spinach dip until our main course came out. We talked about school and work as we ate.

He paid for our dinner, which I felt bad about because it was definitely expensive. Soda walked me back out to the car and did the same routine he did before.

We rode home almost silent. He looked at my ring in the red light from the red street light hanging above the car and smiled.

When we got to the house, the lights were all off except one light in the kitchen. Darry must be working late and Pony must be doing something with the gang.

Soda kicked off his shoes and so did I. He led me to the bathroom and turned the shower water on. He started removing the layers of clothing he had on, leaving him in nothing but his boxers.

He helped me get my pantyhose off and unzipped the dress in the back, then helped me step out of it before folding it and laying in the sink.

I was in nothing but my bra and underwear. Soda's eyes grew big. We removed our undergarments and stepped into the scolding hot shower together.

When we finished, we wrapped up tightly in towels and headed into his room. Soda laid me on the bed and started kissing me. I heard his towel drop to the floor as he slid under the covers to his bed. I did the same. We kissed and I laid on his chest.

"You know how much I love you, don't ya?"

"Yeah I do, you remind me all the time, baby."

I laughed thinking about how amazing he makes me feel. His skin was warm as we snuggled into each other and we enjoyed each other's presence and company. Soda turned off the light in his bedroom and started kissing all over my body.

The night felt unreal.

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