We've Got A Spy

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Rylie pov:

I woke up early this morning and got ready. I put on the greasiest outfit I own and walked to Steves house. His dad was leaving for work and asked what I was doing.

"Oh, um, hi, Mr. Randle. Steves letting me borrow his car for something." I stuttered.

"Keep it nice for him, he will flip if anything happens." He laughed.

I started the car and carefully backed up. I drove to the Shepherd gangs meeting place which was an old crack house.

I knocked on the door. Some dude I didn't know answered. I had seen him at a few Rumbles though.

"Hello sir, is Tim Shepherd here?" I asked.

"Why you need to know?"

"I need help."

"You in a gang?"

"Yes sir, Im in the Curtis gang." I said confidently.

"Whats your name?"

"Rylie Cade, sir."

He closed the door and I lost hope. The door swung back open and Tim grabbed me by the arm and took me inside.

There was men laying everywhere. I stayed close to Tim. A few other men gathered around.

"What do you need, Cade?" He asked.

"I need help, it's serious." I explained the situation.

"I know what your gang means to you, and what you mean to them. Plus, you're good in rumbles, so we'll all help." I smiled.

"I need one more thing." We made eye contact. "I need a heater."

He gave me one for the price of twenty dollars.

Tim walked me outside and I drove off. I had one more stop.

I arrived at Cherry's house. I knocked on the large front door.

"Hello Mrs. Valance, is Cherry home?" I asked.

"Yes, let me get her for you." She smiled sweetly.

She yelled for Cherry, and she came down the stairs to the door.

"Hi Cherry! How have you been?"

We talked for a little bit before I asked a favor.

"Have you heard about Randy and Sodas bet?" Cherry asked.

"I have and I hate it." My face dropped.

"You shouldn't have to be forced to be with anyone." I smiled.

Cherry and I got off on a bad note a few months ago, yes, but she was still loyal to me.

"I know it's a lot to ask for Cherry, but can you spy on Randy and the socs for me?"

"You know I will. I want to help you the most I can." I hugged her tight before driving home.

I drove to the Curtis's house and as soon as I pulled up, Steve ran out the gate to check his car. I laughed as I ran inside and the gang looked at me.

"Where were you? We've be looking for you all day." Darry asked.

"I was doing some stuff."

I placed the heater and the rest of my money on the table. Johnny gasped.

"Why do you have a gun?" Pony asked noticing.

"Yeah, you can kill people with heaters, Rylie." Johnny added.

"I got it just incase."

Darry seemed disappointed.

We made our dinner plates and started to eat.

"I got a spy" I blurted out.

Soda looked at me confused.

"Who's your spy?" He asked.

"You mean our spy. And it's Cherry Valance. She agreed to help us."

We played a few rounds of cards and around ten o'clock I changed, and climbed in bed between Steve and Soda.

I kissed my boys goodnight and quickly fell asleep in their arms.

We've gotten it taken care of.

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