The Truth Is Out

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Emma's pov:

We sat around for a while watching tv in silence. No one knew what to say and we were all thinking about the bet. If Soda lost, I'd never get to see my best friend anymore. She'd have to be a soc all over again. The thought rang in my mind.

Rylie pov:

I don't know what was going on, but everyone seemed upset. I knew what would make them feel better.

"Guys? Can I put on a fashion show for you?"

Darry glanced at me and smiled.

"Sure BabyCakes, lets see it!"

I ran into the bathroom to change into some of the new clothes I got while out with Two-Bit.

When I came out, everyone seemed to cheer up a little, even Dally. He usually had no interest in my fashion shows, but he laughed as I showed off my outfits. It made me feel better about how the gang was when I walked in.

Emma's pov:

The next day rolled around, and I figured today Soda was going to tell Rylie.

Dally took me to the DX, and when we got there the gang was already here. (Except Darry since he was at work) Soda was in the workroom working on the car Steve brought in for him to race. He hasn't gotten far with it yet, but he's made progress.

"Lookin' good Soda." I beamed walking up to him.

"Me, or the car?" He snickered. I rolled my eyes.

"Have you told her yet?" I whispered.

"I will today. Just waiting for a good time." He answered. "I'm trying to finish as fast as I can so I get more time to practice."

Johnny was pacing back in forth in the workroom again. I think Rylies really starting to get suspicious somethings up. Johnny never paces like that.

"I brought back some lunch!" Two-bit said getting out of his car with a few bags of food.

"Thanks, Two." Pony said.

He got us some burgers. We took a break and ate some lunch, Soda worked on the car some more (which he got a LOT done) then the gang headed home.

"Wait, Dash!" Soda called as I was about to get in Dallys car. "Can you come back to the house with me and Rylie? Im going to tell her when we get back and she's going to get mad at me so I thought you being there for her to talk to would help." He asked with pleading eyes.

I looked over at Dally.

"Sure kid." Was all he said.

I shrugged towards Soda and got in the car with him and Rylie.

Rylie pov:

I got into the car with Soda. He didn't talk and neither did Emma, so I knew something was up. I grabbed his hand and held it while we drove back to the house.
When we got inside, he sat me down on the couch.

"Ok. So the other day when Randy came by, I kind of made a bet with him that if I win a drag race, I get to keep you and you can be a greaser, but if he wins he gets you and you become a soc."
Soda blurted nervously.

My jaw dropped and my heart broke.

"You stupid, stupid boy." I muttered angrily.

I thought about slitting his throat, but I knew it wouldn't solve anything.

"Emma? Did you know about this?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm sorry BabyCakes."

I scoffed at them.

"I promise you he'll win, I'm even going to drive with him. We got a plan, and we know how to fix this." Emma explained calmly.

I knew all we needed was help and we were all gonna have to make sacrifices to keep me with the gang.

"Im gonna take a walk, I'll be back later." I grabbed my blade and headed out the door.


I walked about four miles to my uncles house and knocked on the door.

"Hello Rylie! What are you doing here all alone?"

"Im going to have to borrow fifty dollars, and I know it's a lot to ask for, but it will really help me."

"Are you in trouble?" I could see the panic set in.

"Im fine, but I really need the money or I'm not going to be."

I explained what had happened. He slipped fifty dollars into my jacket and sent me on my way.

On my walk back, some socs came up behind me.

"Hey woman, you ready to be soc with us?"

I gagged at the thought and put my blade in hand just incase. Looks like Randy had spread the news.

I ran back to the Curtis house and it was dinner time.

When I walked in Darry was cooking dinner. He stroked my head but didn't say anything. When the rest of the gang arrived we made our plates and started to eat.

There was a heavy silence as we ate. We all ate slowly, and didn't move a muscle. No one made a sound.

"You promise you're gonna win Soda?" I broke the silence.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at me.

"We're gonna do the best we can, but if I know one thing, you aren't leaving us." He said sternly.

It fell silent again. I stood up from my chair, and looked them all in the eye.

"I have a plan, but it's risky."

I slapped the fifty dollars on the table and the gang stared at the cash.

"Where in the world did you get this?" Darry questioned.

"Mine and Johnny's uncle."

Johnny smiled at me.

"Steve, I need to borrow your mustang." I ordered.

"No way Princess. You're fifteen, I don't trust you." He hesitated.

"Well do you want me in the gang or not? Plus you taught me how to drive."

With nothing else said, he slid the keys across the table to me.

"If there is a single scratch, I'll skin you."

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