Not My First Rodeo

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Rylie pov:

Johnny and I spent the day at the Curtis's and decided to come back home. We didn't think our parents would be there. Johnny and I were always cautious when were home incase our parents showed up.

Johnny sat outside the bathroom door as I showered to make sure our parents wouldn't be able to do anything to me. I did the same for him.

Once we got into our pajamas, which was usually a hoodie and shorts, we sat on the couch together.

"How is Steve and Soda treating you?" Johnny asked.

"They are treating me better than a lot of boys could."

He put his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and started dozing off.

I was woken up to our parents bursting through the door. They have a very toxic relationship. Either they are on top of each other or they are beating each other and fighting. No in between.

They seemed fine today, but it was clear they were drunk. They were kissing and Johnny and I cringed. Once they saw us, their emotions changed.

My dad grabbed me by the throat, and threw me to the ground. Johnny tried to drag me into the bedroom, but it was no use. Our dad grabbed a gun from inside his room and loaded it. Our mom was cussing and yelling.

Johnny held me behind him. I wasn't scared at this point. We were both used to it. Johnny just wants to protect me, and I just want to protect him. Our dad came out of the bedroom and shot a loaded gun towards us. Luckily it went through the wall.

He dragged Johnny outside and pushed him against the side of the house. I tried pulling him off of Johnny, but it was no use. Our mom came with a broom and beat me. I looked over to see Johnny being beat with a two by four, and he didn't even flinch.

Once I could get up, I dragged Johnny out from our dad. I was hit multiple times across the back.

We ran. We didn't know where to go. We were both covered in our own blood and each others. He held my hand as we ran.

We made it to Bucks house. Johnny knocked on the door. There was a huge party going on. Buck answered the door.

"What do you kids want?"

"We need to see Dally and Emma." Johnnys voice shook.

"Come back another time."

This made me mad. I grabbed Johnny and pushed through Buck and started walking. Johnny held me close to keep the hands and eyes of guys off of me. Buck chased after us, but got caught in the crowd of people.

We knocked on the door to Emma and Dally's room. Dally answered. It was clear he had been asleep, or trying to be asleep, because he came to the door in nothing but his underwear.

Emma was rolled over facing the wall in the bed. Buck grabbed Johnny's arm and tried to take him away.

"Buck, they're with me." Dally asserted.

Buck rolled his eyes and went back to the party.

"Your parents do this to you?"

I nodded.

"Come with me."

We followed him into the bathroom. He picked me up and set me on the counter. He took my hoodie off of me and started wiping the blood off. We heard a small tired voice.

"What's going on?"

It was Emma.

Dally opened the door for her and her face fell. Johnny held my hand as Dally wiped me of my blood. He did the same for Johnny.

After he got us cleaned up, he shooed Johnny and Emma out. My cuts hurt, so he helped me undress and get into the shower. He helped wash the blood out of my hair and he scrubbed me clean. It hurt to raise my arms.

When I got out of the shower, he wrapped me in my towel and grabbed Emma's brush to brush my hair out. He pulled Johnny into the bathroom to shower next.

Emma lead me into their room and grabbed me some of her clothes. She helped me dry the rest of the way off and helped me get dressed. Her clothes were some what snug on me, but it'll do.

She grabbed an old hair dryer, and sat me in front of her. She gently dried my hair and brushed it. She put it in a low bun after it was dry.

Dally pushed us into the hall so Johnny could get dressed. I gave Emma a hug while we waited in the hallway.

"Im sorry your parents do this to you." She soothed.

"It's not your fault."

She stroked my head as we hugged.

"Always come to us when they beat you, ya hear?" I nodded.

Dally opened the door and motioned for us to come back in.

"Im gonna go get us all some water and a snack." Dally said while walking out of the door.

I sat on the bed with my best friend and brother. Johnny stroked my cheek with his thumb. Dally came back in the room with some stuff for us all shortly after.

"Im glad you all came to us for help." Emma broke the silence.

"If you ever need a place to stay, please come to us." Dally added.

I gave Emma a hug and kissed Johnnys scar. Dally was sitting next to me with his back against the wall.

I rested my head in his lap. I was slightly uncomfortable because he never shows any emotions to anyone but Emma.

I felt Dally pick me up and rest my head on the pillow. He covered me with a blanket, but I was too worn out to open my eyes. I was asleep before long.

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