Dirty Dope Head

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This morning, Dally and Johnny dropped Rylie and I off at the Curtis house so they could go out and do something together. Steve and two-bit were out doing their own thing, so it was just the Curtis brothers, and Rylie and I at the house.

We all sat around the tv watching Mickey, besides Darry who was working on bills, as usual.

"You wanna go to the Dingo and get something to eat princess?" Soda asked Rylie.

"Sure! Let me go freshen up real fast." She answered.

"What about us?" Pony asked offended Soda didn't ask us to come.

"Oh, just let lover boy take out his princess, Pony." I teased.

"You guys should go out and do somethin too. That'd give Darry some quiet time." Soda suggested.

"Why don't we go see a movie?" Pony asked.

"I'd love to." I gushed. Pony grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"Make sure y'all got a switch!" Darry called from the kitchen.

We began walking to the movies. Along the way, we exchanged jokes and laughs and telling stories.

"Your birthdays almost here." Pony reminded me with a smile.

"So is yours." I chuckled.

After some more small talk, we eventually reached the movies.

"Which movie?" Asked the cashier. I looked over at Pony with an grin.

"Surprise us." I said.

Pony looked a little worried but I thought it'd be funny not knowing which movie we were gonna watch.

We got our popcorn and drinks then headed to the movie room our ticket read.

We got our seats, and waited for the movie to start. Eventually, Pony couldn't take the suspense anymore.

"Which movie is this?" He asked the people sitting in front of us.

"The haunting. Shouldn't you know which movie you walked into?" They asked.

Pony completely ignored them and turned back to me.

"Seriously a horror movie?" He shrieked.

"Come on Pony, I'm sure it's good." He slouched back in his seat as the movie started.

But I was right. It was a pretty good movie, not too scary. I loved horror movies, but Pony, not so much.

Ponyboy wasn't amused though. I think he secretly liked this movie even if he wouldn't admit it. And the fun of not knowing what it was.

Rylie pov:

When we got to the Dingo, I ordered a Dr. Pepper, double cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, and ketchup. I ordered a side of fries too. I always have had a big appetite and I eat as much as a horse. Soda played with my fingers across the table while we waited for our food.

When our food came, we ate and talked about life. I talked about my parents and we talked about our relationship with Steve.

"If we were to date, I wouldn't be opposed to having a open relationship, but only to Steve." Soda stated.

This sentence sounded like music to my ears. I could have the man of my dreams as my boyfriend but still be intimate with my best friend. Not a bad idea.

When we finished, we shared a chocolate milkshake. While walking out, a stupid soc yelled at me.

"Hey pretty lady, whats a woman like you doing with a grease like that?"

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