I Love Them Both

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Rylie's pov:

When I walked into school I saw Steve. Steve was my best friend, but lately I have felt different about him. I keep asking myself if i'm in love with him, but even i'm not sure.

Johnny, Ponyboy, and Emma all went to their classes.

"Hey Little Lady" Steve smirked.

I smiled back and hugged him. He smelt like cheap cologne. I held his hand and he walked me to my first class.

"Thank you Stevie." he rolled his eyes and walked to his class.

I sat down and the seat next to me was still open, though I wish it wasn't. Cherry Valance came and sat next to me.

"Hey, how have you been?" I ignored her.

Cherry used to be my best friend when I was a Soc, until she crossed me and started spreading rumors and slandering my name. After I ignored her, she rolled her eyes and turned around.

I started to think about yesterday. Emma was stupid, why would she try and go downtown alone? The socs are worse, why were they in our territory? I just wish she'd be more careful.

She always did stuff like this. Never uses her common sense. Even after all of us tell her it's a bad idea, she always goes and does it. It's fun to say "told you so," sometimes though.

I went to my next classes and finally lunch came. I met up with Steve and the others. we agreed to go to Dairy Queen and skip the rest of the day.

Steve opened the door to his 1965 mustang. This car was beautiful. It was bright red and all souped up from all the work he had done on it to make it his.

We arrived to the Dairy Queen after a short ride. We went inside and ordered our food. I got a Pepsi and a barbecue sandwich after I split a milkshake with Steve.

Ponyboy was flirting with Emma and put ice cream on her nose. I laughed at the two.

I got a barbecue sandwich to bring to the DX for Sodapop. When we arrived to the DX shortly after, Soda brought us into the break room. We talked while he ate.

We had been a trio since we were younger, but I felt something between me and Soda. I wasn't sure if it was the same feeling I got with Steve, but Im almost positive it was.

I liked him. Soda was cute. He had these movie star looks that made girls love him. He made boys insecure and jealous. I admire him for that.

"So whats been going on, Princess?" Soda asked. I felt myself blushing.

"You know, the usual."

Dally walked into the break room unannounced.

"Whats up Super Soc?" I gave him a glare.

The gang would call me "Super Soc," and "Princess," to tease me for when I used to be a Soc, before I became a greaser.

Steve got up from his seat and went to his car to change for work.

"Well my shift is about to start" he kissed my head and went to get a tool box.

Dally grabbed his windshield wiper and was messing with it.

"Give it back Dal." I laughed.

Two-bit drove us home once it started getting late.

"Well I better get back to my mom." Two-bit exclaimed.

Me and Emma decided to go to the Curtis house, while Pony and Johnny went to the lot.

"Em?" I tried getting Emma's attention.

"Whats up?" She turned to me.

"I think I'm in love with Soda, but I also have feelings for Steve." I whispered to her.

"Be honest with them. Think who's love would mean most to you." She smiled.

"I need to think about things. They both make me fall in love with them more and more each day."

I stayed at the Curtis's till dinner. Darry made us meatloaf, which is one of my favorite meals he makes. We sat and talked for a while about our day.

Johnny and I started to go back home after we ate.

"Stay safe, alright?" Emma said, but it sounded more like a threat.

"Ya'll got a blade?" Darry questioned.

"Of course." Johnny started to walk out the door.

"Wait" I ran back inside and hugged Soda and I did the same to Steve.

Soda put his hand on my back and pushed me out of the door because Johnny was ready to go.

When we got home, our parents were gone. They must have been at a bar. Johnny gave me a dead stare in my eyes and sat on the couch beside me.

"Are you in love with them?" He asked.

I panicked and felt my cheeks heat up at the sudden question.

"I'm not sure JohnnyCakes, I really don't know."

I laid my head on his lap. He started to play with my hair. Soon after, I dozed off to sleep.

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