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The next few days went by in a blur. Ever since that framed incident happened, I've been very cautious when I went on walks. I would always take my switch and usually go with someone. Sometimes I would be able to convince Dally to let me go on my own when I need to clear my head, or be alone.

Today though, Pony took me to the Dingo. We were enjoying our time alone until the gang came and crashed it. Pony was mad, but we still had fun with them. Steve even put fries in my drink when I wasn't looking.

After we ate, we all decided to spend the rest of the day at the lake. Pony and I were going to go alone, but since the gang already crashed our date at the Dingo, might as well have em tag along at the lake too.

As soon as we got there, Steve and I jumped in immediately.

"Who's splash was bigger?!" Steve asked, coming up from the water.

"Dash definitely won." Dally joked.

Of course Steve's was bigger though. But Steve was not having it. he got out of the water and tackled Dally, causing him to fall in the lake with Steve. They started wrestling in the water.

Johnny and Pony casually jumped in after. I looked over to see Rylie grab Soda's hand and jump in with him. Two-bit jumped in with his beer, while Darry carefully slid in.

"C'mon Superman, that was lame." Soda snickered.

Darry just rolled his eyes.

We splashed around in the lake for a while and played some games until we got hungry again. We drove back to the Curtis house for an early dinner.

"What do yall want for dinner?" Darry asked.

A bunch of different answers were thrown around at once from the gang.

"Well, I can't make all of that. You know what, you can pick Dash. To celebrate proving your innocence the other day." He smiled.

"How's spaghetti sound?" I asked everyone.

They all nodded their heads in agreement with 'mmm' sounds. I loved Darry's spaghetti. It tasted rich but with the sweet taste of it being homemade. He uses his mothers recipe for the sauce, and i've always loved it.

We played cards and watched tv in the living room until it was ready. Soda went in the kitchen to help him after a while.

"I win again." I smirked crossing my arms.

"Oh come on, that's the 4th round." Dally raged.

He stood up and threw his stack of cards in the air.

"Come on Dal, chill out a little will you man?" Johnny asserted. We all laughed at him.

"Dinners ready!" Soda called.

We all went into the kitchen, grabbed our plates of spaghetti and sat down to eat. Steve already had spaghetti sauce all over him. Even in his hair.

Rylie was trying to clean him off with a napkin, but he kept making more of a mess as she went.

Two-Bit was using beer as spaghetti sauce. Darry caught him and snatched the beer bottle from his hands.

"Two-bit, like I told you last time, stop pouring beer in everything." He scolded. "Everytime we sit down to have a meal, at least one of you makes a mess." We all laughed at him.

We finished dinner and went back to watching tv in the living room. Pony grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"You wanna go catch the sunset?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"You know what I'm gonna say." I smiled.

We ran through the door, and down the street, hand in hand. We started heading towards the field.

"Hurry, we're gonna miss it!" I laughed.

He let go of my hand then turned around to pick me up in a piggy back ride. We ran through the rest of the field like that.

He set me down once we reached the train cart. Pony then helped me up to the top of the cart once he got up there. I sat right beside him and looked at the sky.

"We made it just in time." He beamed.

We watched the sky in awe. The blended pink and gold colors that filled the sky. We were silent for a moment.

"Glad you're here with me, instead of in the cooler."

"I'm glad too."

"You mean an awful lot to me, Winston."

He looked deep into my eyes again. He keeps doing that. I could feel my eyes sparkle. Then, he kissed me. Under the sunset. I loved every moment.

We pulled away and he gave me a calm, sweet look.

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