He's the One

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Rylie pov:

Today, school went by pretty fast. Soda had asked me out on a date a few days ago.

I headed straight home after school and immediately started getting ready. I wasn't sure if Johnny was too thrilled with me going on a date.

"Which dress looks better, Johnny?"

I held two dresses up in front of me, side by side for him to choose.

"Umm, the white one."

"Should I straighten or curl my hair?"

"Definitely curl it."

The time was now six pm. Soda would be here any minute. I wrapped my arms around Johnny and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I love you, JohnnyCakes."

"I love you too Princess. Rylie, One more thing before you go."

"What is it?"

"Don't do anything you're gonna regret in the morning."

"I promise I won't."

We heard a knock at the door. Johnny opened it to Soda.

"You look gorgeous, Rylie." Soda smiled.

I felt myself blushing. I kissed Johnny's cheek before heading out the door.

Soda opened the car door for me. He held my hand till we got to the restaurant. I ordered a steak and a baked potato and he ordered a steak with fries.

We talked until we finished our food. When we left, he opened the car door for me like he did once before.

I saw Soda staring at me. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back passionately.

We started making out and he pulled me across the car into his lap. He kissed my neck a few times and left a few marks. When I saw how bad they were, I got nervous.

What would Darry or Johnny say about them?

It didn't matter anymore.

We pulled away from kissing about three minutes later. We were panting and out of breath.

We drove home, and when we walked in, the first thing Darry noticed was my neck.

"You do anything more than kiss tonight and I will skin you both, you hear?"

I nodded and headed into Soda and Pony's room. Pony was gone so we had the room to ourselves. Soda gave me some clothes to sleep in and I started to change. He stared at me while I did. I started laughing at his expressions.

Then, we laid in bed. We talked before Soda fell asleep on me. He was warm and comforting. I felt so safe in this mans arms. He was the one I'v been looking for.

The next morning, I woke up before Soda. I played with his hair until he opened his eyes. I stretched and he laid directly on top of me. Darry called from the kitchen.

"Breakfast is ready, come on, get up."

Today was a Friday, so I decided to skip school. I ate with the Curtis brothers. I hugged Darry and thanked him for breakfast. I kissed Soda, and he kept biting my lip as we kissed and it made me laugh.

"Save it for when your married." Darry scolded while pulling us apart.

I gave Pony a small hug and headed out the door.

I ran all the way home. Johnny was sitting on the couch.

"Get ready, you're gonna be late for school." Johnny said.

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