You've Bet Enough

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Sodas pov:

I woke up this morning pretty early. We had all slept in the living room last night for Emma's birthday.

I glanced around the room and everyone else was still asleep. I was the first one up. I snuck to the kitchen and began to make some breakfast for everyone as usual. Today I was making pancakes and bacon.

Once the bacon was done, I got started on the pancake batter, then heard Darry come in.

"Mornin, Soda."

"Heya, Darry."

"I'm heading to work early today."

"Take some bacon fore' you go. Pancakes aren't done yet." I said handing him a few pieces.

The smell of my pancakes probably woke the rest of the gang up. I heard them shuffling around in the living room. Rylie came in first. She looked real tired and had her hair all messed up.

"Hey princess." I beamed. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Mm pancakes." She gushed walking over to them.

"They aren't done yet." I playfully smacked her hand with my spatula when she went to reach for one. Then Steve came in the kitchen.

"PANCAKES." He shouted. If any of the gang was still sleeping, they definitely aren't now.

"Hold it Steve, they aren't done yet!" I crooned, pushing him away from them.

"Pancakes?" Emma asked walking into the kitchen too.

It was kind of crowded in here now.

"Not done yet." I chuckled.

I was getting kind of annoyed but it was amusing at the same time.

"I want pancakes." Two-Bit trilled, coming into the kitchen too.

You could barely move in here now.

"Still cookin." I said a little more harsh than I meant too. It's too early for this.

Finally the pancakes were done. I grabbed a plate for each of them and flipped a pancake or two on there and some bacon.

Rylie doesnt like bacon though, so I didn't give her any. I gave her some fruit instead. I made one pancake in the shape of a heart just for her.

After we all got our plates full, we sat down and began to eat our breakfast.

"Did you have fun yesterday, Dash?" Dally asked.

"Yup." Emma answered with her mouth stuffed of pancakes, syrup all around her mouth, and some dripping from her chin.

Steve was just as bad. He had syrup in his hair and some running down his shirt. Chunks of pancakes absolutely everywhere.
Two-bit was slicing his pancakes with his switch, and Dally was playing in the puddle of syrup on his plate with his fork.

"Do you guys want to come to the DX with us today?" I asked the gang as I put my plate away.

They agreed, and once we cleaned up, we got dressed for the day and left.

We arrived at the DX and Steve and I went into the work room. After a while, I glanced back outside to see Randy and Rylie talking. She looked uncomfortable.

Rylies pov:

Randy walked up to me randomly, as I was standing outside the DX. He put his hand om my waist and I felt uncomfortable. He started with some sob story so I would feel guilty and take him back. I felt sick.

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