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The next morning, I got ready for the day as soon as I woke up. Rylie and I agreed to go Christmas present shopping for the gang.
The other day, Dally took me out to get Rylie's present so I wouldn't have to sneak it while i'm with her today.

I put on a white t-shirt with a brown leather jacket over, dark jeans, and Christmas socks with my converse. I grabbed some stolen money off my dresser, and head downstairs.

I saw Dally downstairs drinking alcohol with Buck.

"Mornin, Dash." He smiled.

"Morning, Dal, I'm going present shopping with Rylie. Be back later."

"See ya later kid."

"Don't get drunk, Dal."

(play this while reading this part)

I walked towards the fountain where we agreed to meet at. Once I got there, Rylie was waiting for me.

"Hey, Dash." She smiled.

"Princess." I nodded.

Then, we were on our way. We started to walk down town. Once we arrived, there was subtle Christmas decorations around each shop building, small Christmas trees in shop window displays, sale signs, and everything.

Each store we passed, we looked around in even if we knew the gang wouldn't like anything in there, just for the fun of it. We both found good presents for all of them. We had bags of stuff in hand.

"You haven't gotten a present for Ponyboy yet, do you know what you're getting him, Dash?"

"I've already gotten it planned out." I gushed.

"And what's that?"

"You'll see."

We finally got all our presents for the gang, and looked around in other stores for fun, to see all the Christmas stuff they have. We played around and tried on different outfits in styles we've never tried before. It was a lot of fun.

After a few hours of that, we stopped at one of the small restaurants by the shops to get something to eat. We both ordered sub sandwiches. Once we ate those, we decided to drop off our bags first. We left both our bags at Buck's.

Next, we wanted to go get hot chocolate by this near by coffee shop. Darry's hot chocolate is the best of course, but this place had different flavors and we wanted to try them.
I ordered Candy cane flavored, while Rylie ordered s'mores flavored.
We tried them at the same time, and they were pretty good, but none can top Darry's hot chocolate.

Finally, we decided to head in for the night. Rylie stopped by her house and told Johnny she was staying with me for the night.
Their folks weren't home, so she went inside to get her overnight stuff.
She came back out not too long later with a small backpack. Then, we walked back to Buck's.

"Hey Dally." I greeted walking into our room.

"Hey kid."

"Mind if Rylie stays for the night?" I pleaded.

"I ain't stopping ya." Dally shrugged.

(play this while reading this part)

Rylie pov:

When I entered Emma and Dally's shared bedroom, I dropped my bag on the floor. We started with wrapping all the gang presents that we got today.
We used wrapping paper that was filled with Christmas-y patterns.
Once Emma finished wrapping hers, she stuffed them into the back of her closet.
After, I sat on the edge of the bed with her. We waited for Dally to leave.

"Alright, I'll go get you kids some food." Dally walked out of the door holding his wallet.

Emma dropped to the floor and dug something out from under the bed. It was a box of beads I got her for her tenth birthday.

"We can make some bracelets if you want to." She suggested with a smile. I nodded in excitement and sat next to her on the floor with my back leaning against the bed.
We started our bracelets adding random colors of beads to make unique patterns.

"Can you help me tie mine, Rylie?"

"Yeah, hold on, let me cut this." I finished tying my bracelet then helped Emma with hers.

When we finished, we had beads all over the floor. We even made a few bracelets for the gang.
Suddenly, the bedroom door swung open. Dally's eyes went wide when he saw the mess. Emma and I just looked at him and laughed.

"You both plan on cleaning this up right?" He fumed. I scoffed,

"Yeah, sometime by the end of the night." He handed us our food and a few napkins then closed the bedroom door.
He sat down next to us. We all ate our food while we made small talk. After, we laid on the floor staring at the ceiling, uncontrollably laughing.

"By the way Dal, we made you a bracelet too." Emma smiled. She held Dally's wrist in her hand and slid on one of the bracelets we made him. We all started laughing again.

"Thanks, kid." Dally playfully rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Dash, one thing we gotta do." I grinned. She gave me a confused look as i grabbed her hand, leading her into the bathroom. "I'm gonna do your makeup." I smiled.

"Um, I didn't get a say in this."She grumbled. I ignored her pity and began doing her makeup, doing a style I think would suit her well.
I added blush, eyeliner, mascara, and a light gloss. I have to say, it suit her pretty well.
But Emma wasn't having it.

Next, we head to the shower one at a time. I went first so I could blow dry my hair. When Emma finished her shower, we decided to have some fun. I grabbed a face mask I found from under the the sink. We crowded the mirror trying to see where we were putting it. "

"You missed a spot" I laughed pointing to her face.

"Oh crap, hold on." She went to fix it.

We made more bracelets while our masks were drying, then it was time to take them off. We talked and made jokes until we both got hungry again.

Dally was playing pool with Buck downstairs. We walked into the kitchen and got some food. We ate and as we we started back upstairs,

"Hey!" We both turned around. "Do y'all wanna play with us?" Dally smiled. We gave in and joined the guys in a game of pool. After a while of playing, Dally somehow won, which I don't completely know how.

We head back upstairs after our game and started getting tired. We cleaned up our mess from earlier, then looked at a few magazines.

We climbed into bed and played rock, paper, scissors until we fell asleep, just like we used to do when we were younger. Then, we fell asleep.

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