Lovely Lake

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Rylie pov:

Today was hot. I rolled over and woke Johnny up. I had my own room but I preferred to sleep with him while we were home. Instead of showering, I just braided my hair, put some waterproof mascara on, and a bathing suit under my clothes. I wore one of Johnny's t-shirts with a pair of shorts.

After Johnny got dressed, I grabbed him some swim trunks. I called Emma and told her what I wanted to do today. She was excited. Johnny and I walked to the Curtis house as always and saw Pony fanning himself with a newspaper.

I told the boys what I wanted to do, and they all agreed.

Steve and Two-bit walked in complaining about how hot it is.

"We all want to go to the lake today if yall want to come with us." Emma said.

Steve was pretty happy about going. Soda, Steve and I walked into Sodas room. Soda gave Steve some swim trunks. I distracted myself while they changed by wondering my eyes around the room.

When we walked out, Johnny got us some towels to bring and we headed to the truck. It was way too hot to walk.

When we got there, I took my shirt and shorts off and left them in the truck. Steve and Soda were staring at me and whispering something. I smiled at them then felt a slap across my butt. It was Dally.

"Dang super Soc, you're making the heat more enjoyable" He smirked.

Darry grabbed me and pushed Dally away. Soda looked me up and down. I put my towel on the small boat dock where Soda and I shared our first kiss together, and jumped into the water.

Two-bit, Johnny, Darry, and I all had a chicken fight. I have a feeling Johnny let me win to make me happy. I swam up to Emma and moved her wet hair out of her face. She had the biggest smile. Pony came and picked her up out of nowhere, and dunked her under the water.

I laid on the dock to tan for a little bit and to dry off. It wasn't much use because Steve got out and stood over me which made me soaking wet again.

We hopped into the truck and drove home, and ate some chicken. We all ate like horses.

After we ate, I asked Steve and Soda if they wanted to go down to the lake again. Just the three of us walked down and put our towels on the dock like we did once before.

The only problem was that we didn't bring bathing suits. I had the boys turn around and I took my clothes off and jumped into the water. I turned away until they got in with me.

We swam for about thirty minutes and we watched the sun go down. I grabbed my towel and dried before putting my clothes on, and the boys did the same.

We sat on the dock looking at the stars. I looked to my right and Soda and I made hard eye contact. I kissed him. I turned to see Steve smiling and kissed him as well.

We decided to walk back home, but instead of the Curtis household, we went to Steves house. His dad worked the night shift, so we would be alone.

They followed me into the bathroom. I stepped inside of the shower and threw my clothes out. We talked as I showered. I sat on the sink in my towel while Soda and Steve showered and we walked back into Steves room together.

I felt more comfortable around them than ever before. I asked to borrow some clothes from Steve. He gave me a loose t-shirt and some boxers to sleep in. He gave Soda the same.

I kissed both the boys a few more times and we made a ton of jokes. It was about four in the morning and we were all delusional at this point.

I laid down and they both cuddled up to me. I kissed their heads and played with their hair.

These are my boys.

My Sodapop Curtis and Steve Randle. These are the two people I love.

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