Bandle City Beat Down

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Pony's pov:

"Ready to go?" Darry called excitedly.

The gang started cheering and we started walking there. We cheered pretty much the entire way.

Once we got there, we stood in front of the other Greasers, across from the group of Socs, looking all tough.

"They stink. You can smell them from here." One said to the other.

I was hoping Emma would be able to come. Dally said he would let her, but I don't see either of them.

 Dally said he would let her, but I don't see either of them

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"Hello darrel. Long time no see." Paul soothed.

"Hello Paul." Darry greeted back with that cold look in his eyes.

"What's up?" One of the greasers asked.

"They used to buddy together. Played football." Two-bit answered.

"I'll take you." Paul assured. It was silent for a moment.

"Don't you know a rumble ain't a rumble without me!" Dally called from the distance.

I turned my head, and there she was, Emma following right behind Dally, running up to us. I cheered up a bit. She had her hair up in a ponytail which she hasn't done for a long time. I could see her eyes sparkle from here. She looked excited.

Emma's pov:

As I was running towards the rumble, I saw Ponyboy staring. Even though it was dark out, I could still tell he was blushing. Then, he got punched in the face!

The rumble started.
I went over to help Pony who was now being beat to the ground by a few Soc's at a time. I took them by surprise and kicked them in the back. When he turned around, he got a good ol punch in the face.

I helped Ponyboy up as soon as I got the chance. I saw Dally flip a Soc over his shoulder onto the ground. Darry gave Paul a hard punch in the face as well. And Rylie, well, she was all over the place.

Rylie pov:

I grabbed a Soc who was a lot bigger than me. I kicked and punched him. Johnny had three guys on him so I took one from behind. Johnny managed to say,
"Thanks BabyCakes." I smiled. I loved that nickname.

"Anytime Mr. Cade."

A man grabbed me and ripped my shirt to shreds exposing my stomach and chest. He ripped down the sides as well. He was on top of me at this point until Dally body slammed him. I got slugged.

Darry was kicking Paul who was on the ground right next to me.

"Are you okay BabyCakes?" He seemed worried

"Yes, I'm okay." I managed to respond in between the punches I threw.

Emma's pov:

I felt someone grab both my arms behind me. I kicked backwards and hit them in the leg. That loosed his grip enough for me to free myself.

"Your shoes untied." I said.

He looked down at his shoes super confused, not expecting it. Since it was so childish.

I took the opportunity, and punched him square in the jaw as he was looking down. I kicked him in the stomach then grabbed both his legs, and dragged him to the ground. I laid my knees on his stomach, and probably punched him unconscious.

I Turned around to another guy, wrapped my foot around his ankle causing him to fall and me land on his back.

I began punching him as hard as I could on the back of his head, whilst I was still on his back. I got bored and moved on from him. Once I got up, two more guys were on each side of me. I thought fast, elbowing them both in the stomach.

I punched over and over. I swear I heard bones crack. My knuckles were bleeding.

Steve was having the time of his life. You'd see him fighting a different soc each time you looked at him. I mean we all were, but you could really see it on Steve's face.

Soda has been fighting the same two guys the whole time. It had to be personal.

After some more fighting, the Socs ran off. Greasers won. We all jumped around cheering and called them names as they ran away.

After a while of cheering and celebrating, we all head back to the Curtis house to clean up our wounds.

"Man, Dash and princess sure knocked em out." Soda shouted.

Steve cheered agreeing with him. I sarcastically brushed off my shoulders.

"Told ya they'd be fine." Soda added. Dally rolled his eyes knowing he was right.

We didn't get beat up too bad...expect for Pony. Hate to say it, but he looked wrecked. I had bloody knuckles, a bloody nose, a few bruises, and a busted lip, but that's about it. Rylie had blood down her arm and a black eye.

Everyone got at least a little beat up, and had their clothes ripped. except Darry, he looked fine, just some bloody knuckles.

We all cleaned up and Ponyboy lended me one of his shirts for the time being as mine was ripped real bad. It was a little big on me, but better than a ripped shirt. I got a wet rag and began to clean the blood off me. Darry helped us all fix up.

After we got all cleaned up and dried off as much as possible from the rain, the gang started to head home. Except I fell asleep on the couch next to Pony and Dally. The sound of the rain that was still pouring dozed me off.

Dally's pov:

Emma fell asleep next to Pony and I.

"Alright, I'm gonna take her home." I told the gang, standing up.

Pony tried to sneak her a kiss on the cheek without me seeing, but I saw him alright. I glared at him.

I picked up Emma like in cradle style and carried her to my car. I sat her in the front seat gently. She was still asleep the whole way home. Her hair was still wet causing her curls to hang low.

I loved her natural curls. Pretty sure she got 'em from our dad. I smiled at her.

I pulled into Buck's parking lot, parked, then carried her inside. Luckily there wasn't a party going on, it would have been hard to get her through the crowd carrying her like this.The noise would've woken her up too.

Once I got to our room, I gently set her down on the bed. I have to say, she handled herself pretty well. I was worried for nothing I guess.

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