Burn out

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I sat in the floor against the wall, reading a book in mine and Dally's room. I looked at the clock. It read 7:56 pm. Curly said he was going to pick me up at eight for that party.

Dally was out down town, wouldn't tell me what he went to do, and he'll probably be gone all night. So I should be able to chill at this party, and come back safely before he gets back.

I closed my book and stood up. I decided to just wear what I already have on. I wouldn't have much time to change anyways.

What I had on would be black ripped jeans, white t shirt, black leather jacket, and my white converse.

I heard a car honking outside. I glanced out the window and saw Curly waiting for me. He's a few minutes early, but better than being late. I walked out the front door of Buck's and climbed into his car.

"Hey, Doll." He drove out of the parking lot, and onto the road.

"So, where is this party anyways?"

"It's at this recently abandoned model home I found on an empty street."

"How many people will be there?"

"I invited pretty much everyone I know."

"I can imagine."

"You want a cigarette?"

"Try a pack." I sighed.

It was a pretty silent drive. Neither of us knew what to say. Finally, we pulled into the driveway of the model home. There were lights flashing out the windows and you can hear the music from outside. Cars were parked all around the house.

We got out of the car, and headed inside. There were tons of people, just as I thought. Booze absolutely everywhere. This is probably the biggest party i've been to in a while.

"C'mon, let's go get a drink." Curly grabbed my arm and led me over to the drink stand. He poured me a glass of this really expensive looking booze.

"Isn't that stuff like a hundred bucks a pop?" I asked.

"Stole it." He gulped down his glass pretty fast.

The music was turned up louder, and everyone was cheering and dancing. I followed Curly to the the 'dance floor' and we danced together for a while. Chatted. Had more drinks. Smoked. Classic party stuff.

"You having fun, doll?" He asked me.

"Yeah, reminds me of the parties you and I used to throw together behind Dally's back." I smiled.

"Sneaking you out was one thing, but sneaking you back in was a whole 'nother thing." He laughed.

The rest of the night went pretty smooth, and I have to admit, it was pretty fun. This model home was one of those nice spacious ones. It was near Soc territory, and there might have been a few Socs here.

Curly and I went back to the stand again for some more booze. I had more than I should have took. As I was taking another sip, I started hearing a beeping noise.
I ignored it because I thought I was just hearing things from drinking so much.
The beeping started to get louder.

"Do you hear that beeping?" I asked.

"You hear it too?" We both looked around and saw everyone shuffling around the room. The music was shut off, and the beeping sound became clearer.

"What is that?" Curly shouted.

"It's the fire alarm!" Someone replied. Another person opened the front door trying to get out, but they were greeted by a huge flame right in the doorframe. The house started to fill with smoke.

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