Touch Up

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I glanced up from my desk at the clock. three minutes left of class. I sighed and fiddled with my fingers.

"Alright, I'll let you guys out early. Turn in your papers to me as you leave." The teacher instructed. I grabbed my backpack, handed her my paper, and rushed out the classroom door. I met Pony, Johnny, and Rylie by the lunchroom and we left together. We began walking home.

"No practice today, Dash?" Rylie asked.

"No, it was canceled. Coach didn't say why though." I shrugged.

"You guys wanna go and do somethin, or just go on to the house?" Johnny questioned.

"Eh, we should probably go on to the house. Darry's makin a big dinner tonight." Pony explained.

We made small talk as we walked back to the Curtis house. Once we made it inside, we joined the others in the living room.

"How was school princess?" Soda went up to Rylie and wrapped his arms around her waist. Darry was at the kitchen table, Dally sitting with him and playing with his switch. Steve and Two-Bit were playing poker on the coffee table.

I sat down on the couch and got an early start on homework. I didn't have much, so it shouldn't take me long.

"There's a drag race near down town, yall wanna go watch it?" Soda proposed.

"Would we even have time fore' dinner?" Ponyboy asked.

"It'll be fine, dinners taking a little longer to cook than I thought. But don't be out too late, it's a school night." Darry ordered.

"I'm game." I shrugged. "Nothin better to do."

"I'll go too." Rylie gushed.

"I'm gonna stay back. I'm awfully tired." Johnny sighed.

"You sure Johnny cakes?" Rylie asked.

He nodded. The others agreed to go and grabbed their coats.

We walked through town to get to the race. Once we got there, we found a nice parking lot ontop a hill to watch down on the race. It was a nice view of almost the whole road.

"Why's it back here on this weird road?" Rylie asked.

"No cops back here." Soda explained as he took off his coat, and placed it around her shoulders.

I looked around the parking lot, and there was a ton of other people. They all had booze, drugs, and cigarettes.

Soon, someone came up and announced who was racing. There was a blue, green, orange, and yellow car racing tonight. They looked shiny and clean, brand new, and like they were recently fixed up. After all the announcements and the "ready, set, go," they were off. The blue car was the fastest of them, and I was personally cheering that one on.

We all gazed at the race. Each car passed the other, taking turns in the lead. Everyone was cheering for a certain car to win. I watched as they raced around the track.

"Watching this kinda makes me miss racing." I thought out loud.

"You sure could leave em in the dust." Soda snickered.

"Rookies." Two-Bit snarled.

"Yeah, like Dally would allow that." I laughed.

"You best bet you aren't racing again." Dally grumbled. I shrugged.

"If ya did, I could get you some cool race suit to wear that'd match your car." Rylie gushed.

"You liked racing, didn't you?" Pony asked.

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