Room to Grow

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Rylie pov:

Today was Friday. After track practice, we all headed back to the Curtis house to settle down. I had a small assignment for math which was pretty easy, so I got my homework done quickly.

Soda came bursting through the door. Steve went to school today so he was already with us.

"Do you all want to do something crazy tonight?" Soda looked at us.

"I'm always down to do something stupid." Soda laughed at my remark.

"Lets throw a party." He said with an evil grin.

We exchanged looks.

"Uh, Soda, I don't think thats a good idea." Pony said, eyes still on his book.

"Oh come on Pony, don't be a party pooper." Steve picked, as he punched Pony's arm.

"We won't tell Darry." Soda added. Pony seemed a bit more relaxed about it.

Dally walked through the door and we explained what our plans were. He looked excited.

"I'll go get the booze." He flashed his smile. I always knew Dally carried one with him.

I went with Dally to the liquor store and the gang called some people up to see if they could come.

"How about some Whiskey, Bourbon, Beer, and Vodka? Does that sound good to you?"

I shrugged. I rarely drank and if Johnny had let me close enough to a drink, it was very little. Dally slapped the side of my head.

"Come on Super Soc, lighten up a bit! You're way too uptight sometimes."

"If Johnny lets me, I might try a little."

"I'm older than Johnny, and I say you can have enough to get you wasted." I laughed.

Dally told me to go wait in the car. he exchanged something then came and opened the car door. He snuck it into the bag of alcohol.

Emma's pov:

While Dally and Rylie went to the liquor store, Pony, Johnny, and I went to get a bunch of cigarettes. Johnny drove us there, and for not having his license yet, he was a real good driver.

Once we arrived at the drug store, we casually walked in, Pony waved at the cashier. I stuck some packs of cigarettes up my jacket sleeves, and in any other pockets I had. I turned my head to Johnny, who was on the other side of the store, and he gave me a nod, which signaled it was time to leave.

We started walking out, no one suspecting a thing. Up until a pack fell out of one of Pony's pockets. He stopped in his tracks.

"Hey, what are you doin, kid?!" The cashier called.

We didn't say anything, and ran out the door. We started running towards the car and soon heard police sirens.

I got to the car first and dumb enough, I got in the drivers seat. Once Johnny reached the car, and saw me getting in the drivers seat. He got a startled look on his face.

"Oh no, I'm not doing this." Johnny panicked backing away from the car.

"Get in or go to jail, choice is yours." I said.

"I'm too innocent to go to jail!" Pony wailed cramming into the car as fast as he could.

Johnny hesitated then quickly hopped in as well.

I stepped on the pedal down to the floor, and we were off. Our heads slammed against the seats again as we dashed down the road, as cop cars were driving right behind us, sirens blaring.

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