Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

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I woke up to the muffled sound of a car horn honking multiple times outside. I sat up and saw Dally looking out the window.

"Who's that honking?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"It's Darry, he's in his truck outside."

"Well, what's he doing?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

Dally ran out the door and I sprung out of bed to go with him.
We ran outside to Darry's truck, and it was freezing. I had my pajamas on which were shorts, a t-shirt, and socks.

"What're you doing, man?" Dally growled.

"Get in!" Darry smiled. I looked over to the back of the truck and saw the rest of the gang, crammed in the back.

"What, what are we doing?" I asked.

"We're gonna get a Christmas tree!" Soda gushed from the back.

"Get in losers." Rylie called.

"Well let us change first, man." Dally grumbled.

"Well hurry, we gotta get the good tree fore' someone else does!" Steve shouted.

Dally and I rushed back inside to change. I put on my usual ripped jeans, t-shirt and instead of a leather jacket, I wore my teams jacket.
I grabbed my converse and ran back outside with Dally.

I crammed into the truck with the rest of the gang, and as soon as we got in, Darry started speeding.
For an old pick up truck, it goes pretty fast.

We started down the road, and talked about Christmas whilst Sodapop's radio he brought played Christmas music, until finally, we reached the tree farm.
We were greeted by rows of tall trees, covered in snow.
We hopped out the truck, and began walking towards it.

"Don't you dare say I'll turn into a pony-pop or I'm a cold-Curtis, Two-Bit." Ponyboy grumbled, shoving his fists into his pockets. Instead of coming up with a new joke, Two-Bit just started laughing at his old ones.

"Alright, everyone look for the perfect tree." Darry smiled. We all split up and began examining each tree, trying to find the perfect one.

"How's this one?" Soda asked, pointing one of the trees.

"Nah, that ones got a bald spot in the back." Rylie snickered. Soda shrugged and went on to look at the others. "This one!" Rylie pointed to a different tree.
We all gathered around her to look at it. It was perfect.

"I like it." Johnny smiled.

"Get this one!" Two-Bit begged.

"Alright, we can get that one." Darry chuckled.

Steve, Dally, and Darry began loading the tree on top the truck. While they were doing that, the rest of us fooled around in the snow. Sodapop was the first to get hit with a snowball.

"Hey! Who was that?"

We all snickered as we pointed fingers over to Two-Bit, who was laughing and looking as guilty as could be. Soda knelt to the ground, quickly made his own  snowball, and threw it back to Two-Bit, hitting him right in the face.

Then, the rest of us joined in. I hit Ponyboy with one, and I waited for him to throw one back at me. I have to say...Ponyboy's bad at making snowballs. Every time he tried to form one, it just fell apart.

"You need help Pony?" I laughed, walking over to him.

He looked up to me with an embarrassed smile. I knelt down next to him in the snow, and helped him make a snowball.

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