Emma Winston

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You may know my older brother, the one and only Dallas Winston. As for me, I'm his kid sister, Emma Winston. Leaves me with big expectations to live up to.

You could say I'm a lot like him, at least that's what the gang says time to time. I do take after him in a lot of things. Dally and I are pretty close. After all, he's only about 4 years older than me.

Dally would protect me from anything. Everyone says he's dangerous, but he's my safe. If I had to put it into words, it's like the whole world could catch on fire and he wouldn't let a single flame touch me.

Dallas and I lived in the streets of New York for three years. I didn't mind living in the city too much, but at the same time I hated it. It was dirty, and it's not easy living on the streets.

Finally, Dallas and I robbed some side stores, and got enough money to buy train tickets to Tulsa. We now live at Buck's bar, Dally's rodeo partner. Not the best, but I'd choose it over the dirty city streets.

I have dark brown, curly hair that barley pasts my chest. I have deep blue eyes, and a strong build. I'm only about 5'6 in height. I love rumbles and fighting, i'd say i'm pretty good although Dally doesn't like when I do.
I'm a pretty walk it off person, and usually emotionally unavailable.

The gang's nicknamed me Dash.

The story behind that one is from New York, when I used to drive in drag races without Dally knowing.

Dash was the name of my first race car that my racing partner gave it. He usually drove and I would sit in the passenger seat watching out for cars coming up behind us, or giving him the best strategies to win. Basically an extra set of eyes.

Once I was old enough to drive, (or atleast old enough to drive in illegal New York drag races) he surprised me with Dash.

After I won a ton of races with that car, I thought to join an intense race where everyone would be way more wreckless than usual, and long story short, I got in a bad wreck.

That's when Dally found out I was driving in drag races at 10 years old. He wasn't too mad, but thought it was funny I was winning races at 10. That was right before we moved to Tulsa.

Dally would start calling me Dash as a nickname. He would use it often enough to where the gang started calling me Dash sometimes too. They don't know the story behind it though, mainly because they never asked about it, and also cause the story makes Dally mad.

I get along pretty well with the gang.
Especially Rylie, Johnny's kid sister. I'm real close to her. She's the only one besides Dally who knows the story behind my nickname.

Rylie's only a year older than me. We've known each other since we were small, before she became a Greaser.

Rylie used to be a Soc, and was old friends with Cherry and Maria. Now, they all hate each other. Cherry grew jealous of Rylie, started spreading rumors and slandered her name around school. Rylie realized those aren't the kind of people she wants to be around, so she became a greaser with me, and we all like it this way.

Her nails were always done, she usually wears makeup, dresses, luxury jackets, mom jeans, sweaters, nice skirts, and black high top converse.

So you could say Rylie's got a girly side. Becoming a Greaser has made her tough though. She's also pretty good in fights, and rumbles.

The gang calls her nicknames like "Princess" or "Super Soc" to tease her.

I get along real well with Ponyboy. We share a lot of the same interest, like books, movies, sunsets, stories- the basics.
We practically grew up together, and spend lots of time side by side.
Recently, I may have been slowly catching feelings for him, but i'm not even sure. I've been ignoring my feelings if anything, and i'm not sure anyone else knows.

But everyone is made of stories, however that wasn't the case for me.

I was not special, not in the least.

You see my story did not revolve around me....

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